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10 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Pushing the limits of ... · 1 reply · +3 points

OMG I can't believe I even remembered my log in!

It's unfortunate that these people do not see the irony in their request but honestly I would rather save a spider from death than waste my time on any member of this group.

11 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - The Walking Dead · 3 replies · +1 points

Only a few more months until Season 4!!!!!

Can't wait to see what they do next....

11 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Watch that finger kid! · 1 reply · +1 points

We found .223 and 5.56 and stocked up some. We have had pretty good luck with .22lr at bi-mart on Mondays. 9mm is still a challenge to find. Fortunately we bought in case loads earlier last year. We also re-load the .223 and our 308. However, quality primers are scarce too.

11 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Ultra-Violet emailed m... · 0 replies · +1 points

A nice 8x10 glossy of my ex's head on a target greatly improves my MOA. At 100 yards I am down to less than 1.5"

11 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - What the hell is wrong... · 0 replies · +1 points

So it has happened. The good guys are punished for outing the bad guys. The bad guys are hailed as victims.

11 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Martini Floes · 1 reply · +1 points

Thanks, I needed to read this again.
I can not believe how far the government has gone since I posted this....
I had hoped for better but prepared for the worst.

11 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Gay Marriage; States r... · 2 replies · +1 points

Their as in the woman who wants the abortion. Do you see where I said it should be outlawed? I don't think so. I said I don't agree with it. If the decision is it's "their body" then "they" should be wholly responsible for it. Correct? Including what they do or don't do with their pregnancy.
I guess you would call me a forced birth. Strange, my life is not misery, I do not live in poverty, I do not take government money stolen from other hard working people.
Just because someone doesn't want to be a responsible adult and deal with the consequences of their actions, doesn't mean the child is worthless. Where do you get off assuming that?
Your statement is sick.

11 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Gay Marriage; States r... · 4 replies · +1 points

Who forced them to get pregnant? And how is not making someone else pay for the abortion "forced birth?"

And what long twisted road did you have to travel to get to any baby born would qualify for disability? That's a connection that can't be made.
Let's try this again, personal responsibility. You have sex, you get pregnant, you either have or abort the child. You pay all costs, either way. Not mine or any other taxpayers responsibility.

11 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Gay Marriage; States r... · 6 replies · +1 points

Having it both ways is what got us into this mess. No you can't tell them it's wrong! Guess what, as a person, yes I can. Then at the same time, You must pay for their decisions! No, I shouldn't have to. It's called personal responsibility. More people should try it.
Killing a child is NOT healthcare. Keeping the Mother and baby healthy is healthcare. If you want to kill your child, well you have to live with the choice, but don't expect me to pay for it. If it's theirs to control it's their responsibility.

11 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Gay Marriage; States r... · 8 replies · +1 points

Just out of curiosity, why do "WE" have to do anything? Is it your relationship? Is it mine? Why is it that any time there is a difference of opinion, "something has to be done!" And for some reason it has to be done by government.
I would suggest that people quit turning to government to solve their personal problems. But that's just me... (and it doesn't get much more personal than an intimate relationship, does it?)