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14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Down Memory Lane: Has ... · 1 reply · +1 points

When I say blind it is in reference to "turning a blind eye". They know exactly what is going on. They are progressives of the worst ilk. They reference Alinsky and all of the other radicals that have paved the way for their silent coup.
The green industries are just the latest face-lift that these creeps efforts to take control of this Great Nation. It is like Van Jones starting out as a communist, friend of a cop killer and ending up working with White House. If it walks like a duck, it's ain't no chicken. They can change their names, but their core beliefs ring true, Progressives through and through.
You are right. We are not in control. We need to pray for our Great Nation.

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Down Memory Lane: Has ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I was referring to Chris Matthews from the drive by media. I got a tingle once, but it turned out to be my cell phone. ;-)

14 years ago @ Big Government - Michelle Obama, Liber... · 1 reply · +3 points

joshua, you would rather quote a pedophile
Liberal Wiki on your hero Demosthenes- In his speeches, Aeschines often uses the pederastic relations of Demosthenes to attack him. The essence of these attacks was not that Demosthenes had relations with boys, but that he had been an inadequate pederast, one whose attentions did not benefit the boys, as would have been expected, but harmed them instead.

14 years ago @ Big Government - Michelle Obama, Liber... · 0 replies · +4 points

Joshua- 'if the Pharaohs or Athenians had had a good system for fraud prevention they would have done it, too.'
You actually think that welfare is without fraud? Wow, you have drunk the Kool-Aid!
Welfare used to be taken care of by private individuals and Religious communities. I know from anecdotal stories my Mother told me about the Great Depression and the people in the South who helped out the homeless masses passing through. My Mom lived it, they didn't have welfare. People cared for people. That took care of fraud and abuse.
You have no idea about what you are talking about. Of course, if you have never studied the Bible or given to a religious charity, you have no idea about the culture. 1redcent is dead on.
Liberal Wiki on Demosthenes- In his speeches, Aeschines often uses the pederastic relations of Demosthenes to attack him. The essence of these attacks was not that Demosthenes had relations with boys, but that he had been an inadequate pederast, one whose attentions did not benefit the boys, as would have been expected, but harmed them instead.
Of course you would quote a pedophile.

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Down Memory Lane: Has ... · 0 replies · +2 points

You got that right! That is why their party is a religion. Blindly believing that their failed policies of the past, that have never worked, will miraculously work in the future. 'Progressives' like lemmings over the cliff. Their milk and honey is almost as good as the 72 virgins, with the same result, destruction.
Wake up America!!

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Down Memory Lane: Has ... · 0 replies · +1 points

gamer- Yours needs two mega-prompter and even then can't get it right!

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Down Memory Lane: Has ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Both have the blind devotion to their religion, Progressivism. It is their cult, their master.

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Down Memory Lane: Has ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah I think BHO thinks we have enough corpses right here. The Marine Corpse, Navy corpse-men.

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Down Memory Lane: Has ... · 3 replies · +1 points

Did you get a tingle up your leg?

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - Down Memory Lane: Has ... · 3 replies · +2 points

This type of ADHD coverage has helped us get to where we are today. Not only are they short attention span theater, they are also flat out blind to the real news!