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13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Funtime Game! Who Will... · 7 replies · +16 points

During WW II, when the USSR was sorta, kinda our ally, there were Russian troops stationed on one side of the Bering Straits and American troops ( weather units ) stationed on the other and yes, they did indeed have contact. So yes, Tarheels, Alaska has ALWAYS be in the thick of things, vis-a-vis the old USSR/Russia.

How is it that YOU don't know this and find Sarah's statement to be silly, or worse?

It is those who made fun of Palin for talking about this/made fun of her, who are the real morons!

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Rush Chastises Rove Ov... · 0 replies · +1 points

Karl had been working for Castle; that's the not so hidden secret of all of this.

And for those who "think" that castle could have beaten the Dem, Coon, that wasn't going to happen; he would have lost ! As more and more voters in Del. remembered or found out, Castle voted for Cap&Tax, not to mention also voting for impeachment investigations of W, while #43 was still a very popular sitting president.

14 years ago @ Big Government - NAACP Blames Fox and B... · 0 replies · +1 points

You're lying, or your mother-in-law is lying, Soph, because those signs disappeared, in America, long before she was a sentient being, if she were born at all, because such discrimination against the Irish disappeared by the early 1920s !

The Irish worked in all kinds of jobs, by that time, were mayors of cities ( Boston, NYC, Chicago, etc. ) and many were millionaires.

And that infamous sign reading "NO NEGROS ( not the "N" word ), NO DOGS, AND NO IRISH NEED APPLY" wasn't in America, except in the Thomas Nast political cartoons. WHY ? Because it was an English thing and based on a SONG !

Frankly, kid, you have "no idea" about much of anything, except for your own perverted, biased, ill informed own opinions.

14 years ago @ Big Government - NAACP Blames Fox and B... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ummmmmm..............the Carthaginians, though Africans, weren't Negroids, they were Caucasoids; just as Egyptians are Africans, as well and most of them are Caucasoids.

14 years ago @ Big Government - NAACP Blames Fox and B... · 0 replies · +2 points

That's true; however, indentured servitude was the same thing as slavery, in actual fact.

And for those who don't know, it was mostly the ScotsIrish who were the slaves.

14 years ago @ Big Government - NAACP Blames Fox and B... · 0 replies · +2 points

That they did, in Africa, as well as both African blacks and FREE American blacks owning slaves !

If the African blacks weren't in the business of capturing and owning slaves, there wouldn't have been ANY szlaves, for them to sell to whites, in the first place!

14 years ago @ Big Government - NAACP Blames Fox and B... · 0 replies · +2 points

LOL................spot on RED, my friend !

That poster is so brainwashed and unknowledgeable, that it makes one teeth ache.

14 years ago @ Big Government - NAACP Blames Fox and B... · 0 replies · +2 points

You are the one who is "paranoid", as well as ill/uninformed !

Where did/do I normally get my information about "black history"? Well, for starters, when I was in school, long before the idiotic "BLACK HISTORY MONTH", we actually were taught all about the black's here, from colonial times onward ( and not just about slaves, but FREE BLACKS as well ) , as part of AMERICAN HISTORY classes! I have also done extensive reading about blacks in America, written by authors of all races. And last, but certainly not least, I learned quite a few things from blacks, who were friends of various members of my family, as well as black friends of my own.

Should you require some history lessons ( which you do, but I doubt you'll ask for ), I could give you a Cliff's Notes version, to help fill in the massive gasps in your knowledge.

14 years ago @ Big Government - NAACP Blames Fox and B... · 0 replies · +1 points

IIRC it was in the Brit newspaper THE TELEGRAPH, though it may have been another one, as I read several of them on line, every day.

I'm now sorry that I didn't save the article, but frankly, I never expected that I would use the findings in a debate here, or anywhere else and didn't imagine that it would ever come up. was very surprised by the findings, which is WHY it has all stuck so firmly in my memory. :-)

14 years ago @ Big Government - NAACP Blames Fox and B... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm not a liar......IIRC, it was in THE TELEGRAPH. So why don't YOU do the scut work, kid; since it is blatantly obvious that you have far too much time on your hands?

Unlike you, I don't rely on propaganda, to make a case, lie, nor make anything up.