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13 years ago @ KABOBfest - The Taiwanese NMA Have... · 0 replies · +1 points

my favourite NMA video will always be the one of Steven Slater.

14 years ago @ Broadway - B... - THEATRE TALK: Love Nev... · 0 replies · +8 points

"Why don't you create a website to help people who are living in inhumane conditions under military backed dictatorial regimes."
then why are you on a website that's devoted to Broadway and West End? Stop trolling here and go read a news website. No one asked you to come here and read a theatre website. Idiot.

14 years ago @ Broadway - B... - Photo Flash: Award Win... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mark Rylance is a TRUE LEGEND!!!

14 years ago @ ScreenCrave - First Salt Poster With... · 0 replies · +1 points

I actually think this looks good.

14 years ago @ Broadway - B... - U.K.\'s 55th Annual Ev... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mark Rylance should definitely win for JERUSALEM. Amazing.

15 years ago @ Film School Rejects - \'Bride of Frankenstei... · 0 replies · +1 points

this is so stupid.

15 years ago @ /Film - Fame Movie Trailer · 1 reply · +1 points

yeah well, Raheem, I'M FUCKIN SICK OF REMAKES!!!! I WILL always complain about remakes no matter how many fucking bloody remakes those Hollywood studio exec MORONS keep making.

15 years ago @ /Film - Fame Movie Trailer · 0 replies · +1 points


15 years ago @ /Film - Question: How Has the ... · 5 replies · +5 points

I really don't have an issue with PG-13, but the real issue here is PG rated films. Have you guys noticed that in the past 20-25 years, that PG films have become so politically correct, preachy, and clean that cussing, drugs, and discussion of sex/boobs aren't allowed?! "The Goonies" came out in 1985 and there are cussing words in it (remember one of the kids screamed SHIT!). Or how about "Stand by Me," "The Sandlot," and other 80s/early 90s PG rated films. All these films had horny boys who wanted to try smoking, drinking and talked about boobs.

(aah, how about 70s films like Freaky Friday, Bad News Bears, etc..?)

Today those films would have never gotten passed the MPAA censors.

Sorry guys... I know this is about PG-13, but I just had to say that about PG rating.

15 years ago @ /Film - Noah Wyle Cast in Stev... · 0 replies · +1 points

haha... I like that