David Chen

David Chen


103 comments posted · 34 followers · following 3

15 years ago @ /Film - The /Filmcast: After D... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry about the false link guys. My bad. The correct link is now in place.

15 years ago @ /Film - Comparing The Takings ... · 0 replies · +1 points

That clip was grabbed directly from the opening credits of the DVD of the original.

15 years ago @ /Film - Comparing The Takings ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Agreed. I saw the new movie in Boston with my brother last night and his reaction was basically "This situation is already really tense! You don't need to try and make it more tense with your quick cutting and slow motion-blur and bombastic music!"

15 years ago @ /Film - Actor David Carradine ... · 0 replies · +2 points

FYI guys,
Just dug out my kill bill DVDs to grab a Carradine-only screencap.

15 years ago @ /Film - Marketing Up\'s Asian-... · 1 reply · +5 points

1) I don't see a controversy either, but we thought the fact that Russell is Asian-American, and how Pixar is handling it, might be worth bringing to people's attention

2) I don't remember getting terribly "worked up over" the film, nor did I say it was "racist." I understand what the point of the film is, but my point was that a lot of its humor derives from outright mockery of another culture (or at least rendering them as outrageously quirky or bizarre). If you want to discuss "Lost in Translation" further, feel free to e-mail me (as this comment thread is for the above story). But your points about "Up" are well-taken.

15 years ago @ /Film - /Filmcast Ep. 52 - Ter... · 0 replies · +2 points

We discuss the mind-numbing technicalities of this time travel mechanic this for the first 40 minutes of this week's /Filmcast After Dark. So, that's something everyone has to look forward to!

15 years ago @ /Film - /Filmcast Ep. 52 - Ter... · 0 replies · +1 points

Use this link, Dude:


But why haven't you subscribed to the podcast yet??? Use the following link with whatever program you want (non-iTunes) and this will never happen again!


15 years ago @ /Film - Contest: The Art of Te... · 1 reply · +1 points

No problem. Feel free to enter even if you are not in the states.

15 years ago @ /Film - LOL: Cam Gigandet vs. ... · 11 replies · +11 points

What's remarkable about this video is how the fight quality actually matches the fight quality found in both "Never Back Down" AND "Twilight."

15 years ago @ /Film - Movie Review: The Brot... · 1 reply · +2 points


I saw this film 3-4 weeks ago before I had ever met or spoken to Rian Johnson in person or on the phone, and it was at that point that most of this review (including the final score) was written. It hasn't been published until now because it was under embargo from the studios.

Subsequently, Rian Johnson has given /Film an interview, which he's done for countless other sites and publications, many of which have also gone on to review his film. Additionally, he guested on our podcast on Monday night, and hung around afterwards to answer questions from listeners. I do not believe these appearances constitute a special relationship requiring disclosure.

If something smells like impropriety, it's probably because of my enthusiasm: I love his new film and think everyone should go see it, which was true even before I met him and not because of some sort of "established relationship."

In the end, we have to support filmmakers we believe in, whether or not they are accessible. If "Bloom" was a piece of crap, I would've said so. But it's not. It's awesome.