F. Honey Badger

F. Honey Badger


1,240 comments posted · 11 followers · following 7

11 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - Dear OHN, My fiance sa... · 1 reply · +14 points

SO I have been that guy. Sometimes it is not the stress it is genuinely nothing wrong with the other person. Sometimes you just realize "Hey, this isn't as right as I t hought it would be". He may have fallen out of love or just had a realization to no fault of your own that this is not right for him. I am sorry you are going through that and I have been told REPEATEDLY "It's unfair not letting me know" (me being you in this case) but life goes on dear. You have children to take care of and obligations to meet. One thing I can guarantee you is failing at your other responsibilities behind an emotional attachment to him will not make him want you more. Prove you are strong and "independent" and can handle a house without him. Show him that he is an additive to your life and not the main ingredient. He will respect that more for SURE!

My past experience was simply I felt like the person was a burden and somewhat dependent on me. That is a tough feeling when you dont feel like someone is adding value to your life. Just my 2 cents.

*vanishes back into the abyss*

11 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - What do you think abou... · 1 reply · +4 points

It's a Christian school they have the rights to their beliefs just as the couple has the right to love who they love. If they choose not to allow a gay couples child to attend the school because it is offensive/disruptive to the learning environment as it stands they should have that right. If it was a Muslim school they wouldn't try to send their daughter there without proper dress right? Same principle.

11 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - Did The Onion go to fa... · 1 reply · +1 points


12 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - I wonder if she was ev... · 2 replies · +16 points

Sure....all hyenas are cute as babies.

12 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - Responsible gun owner:... · 0 replies · +3 points

Guns are great. Don't believe me? come try to take mine and allow me to show you why.

12 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - Big OHN announcement! · 0 replies · +5 points

Nawl son. I remember when you said you didnt want to do it....we discussed it as well. I also remember when you won best writing for black web blogs.....and how you were absolutely dedicted to taking this thing to the next level. I remember you writing an appreciatoin blog and referring to that "cycle" as the best group you have had. That group let and times changed and I understand that. I think instead of hanging it up.....just like that old girlfriend you go back to the basics and the principals that brough you the most success. ESPECIALLY when it is you passion......

12 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - Big OHN announcement! · 10 replies · +15 points

Sup everyone....how goes it? Cool.

Now let keep it honest. The hate that the people received last week was no different than has been dealt out to myself or doctor funk in our time on this blog. The difference is WE did not care about your opinion and CHOSE not to allow OHN govern our lives and and dictate our value. Last week I sat back quietly and watched "THE CLIQUE" cape up for one of their own, instead of viewing the situation objectively. In turn "THE CLIQUE" could have possibly caused us a wonderful community that was built and for that I say FUCK YOU! Like for real yo, we went from an AWARD WINNING COMMUNITY to a group of immature group thinkers in the matter of 5 years! Who do you think you are to ruin someone elses life/ life work because you dont like the fact that an issue was addressed? WE come in here daily and talk about abortion, fat people, ugly people, the mentally disabled, the physically deformed, the rich, the poor, and ALL in betwe......but because it's someone you know you think it should be handled differently? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! WHY DO YOU GET TO DECIDE WHO IS JUDGED/PICKED ON?! You don;t like OHN and it's community I implore you.....DONT COME BACK! Go into your little secret FB groups and talk about how much a douche all the men are and how much you dislike us for not going with what you think. DO NOT sit up in your little cubicle and think you have the right to tear down this blog or the man that built it. Slaus has been nothing more than a friend and confidant to ALOT of US. Myself included. This is how you repay him? For real? With friends like you....WHO NEEDS ENEMIES?! Those of you that lashed are are disloyal, disgusting hypocrites. Go ahead and comment so I can give you that 5 letter word that rhymes with mitch wit yo fake ass!!! Ol hit dogs holler ass!

Slaus. Dude. My motherfucka. I tried to call you so I could talk you out of this. You acting like a real democrat right now nig. Little adversity and controversy come your way and you back down?! Come on man that aint even kind of like you. Just think what would Luke Skywalker do? I understand you are fighting to be more passive and less angry....but this aint it. Be assertive. You are literally letting a bunch of jaggle heads dictate your actions....dont do it.....reconsider....read some literature on the subject.

To everyone else....I love you it has been a fun ride. I hope it doesn't end like this and if it does....I'm sorry.

12 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - Twin baby girls are ab... · 1 reply · +8 points

Nawl...im good on watching baby bait. Pampers are 50 dollars a box.....

12 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - The Kanye West Tour Da... · 0 replies · +4 points

Crazy thing that ever happened to me on a flight.....I was in a plane and all of a sudden this large man stood up and screamed " HOOOK UP! " then this ass hole opens the door and this happened......

[youtube UcfZ9AqQ_Pk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcfZ9AqQ_Pk youtube]

12 years ago @ O Hell Nawl - A wretch... - Woman 'allegedly' stab... · 0 replies · +1 points

Shit like this doesn't happen in my house......because we have guns.