


25 comments posted · 2 followers · following 3

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - Skate 2 Review · 0 replies · +1 points

i feel like the off board stuff is good enough. i mean there is room for improvement...but it does what it needs to.

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - Final Fantasy XIII/Ver... · 0 replies · +1 points

I mean sony must have payed a boat load to keep an exclusive...because other than that i dont see a need to have 1 be exclusive and the other release on both consoles...just seems odd.

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - Brutal Legend To Rock ... · 0 replies · +1 points

YES! can't wait. i hope it turns out well.

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - Final Fantasy XIII/Ver... · 2 replies · +1 points

theres a pretty big difference in the stories i take it? versus looks like a fking mafia / FF game. where FF13 looks like a regular final fantasy. oh, and versus is the PS3 exclusive? lol why?

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - Gears of War 2 Went Tr... · 0 replies · +1 points

no doubt, i just wanted to throw in my thoughts since you said that everyone you know says that the game is broken. I mean, just a few minor imperfections can make things a nuisance but it doesn't ruin a game ;).

wasn't really an argument...just my thoughts

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - Gears of War 2 Went Tr... · 2 replies · +1 points

IMHO people like you are expecting a game to be absoloutley perfect. There is no doubt in my mind that Epic knows about the problem and are probably working on a way to patch / fix them because the lancer isn't even an allowed weapon in MLG currently because its bugged....A game whose trademark weapon is un usable? really? sure epic has no idea.(yeah right).

also, the grenade tags are great...the game lets you know if someone picked up grenades, so the obvious option is to tag them on walls rather than throw them, just shoot em and blow them up. Granted it slows the game down by maybe one minute of total play time in an entire match. IMHO all epic has to do to fix the remaining gears 2 problems is fix the shotgun / revved lancer not dropping when shot at close range (easily fixed by increasing the shotties dmg just a little bit at the closer range, or so i would think) and really...thats it.

The only people that have problems with the chainsaw are the people that just spammed the OP shotgun in the first gears of war. - This is a sequel its not going to be the same lame tactics...there are new ones :P. minor fixes and this game will be a gem....not that it isnt already...just needs a jeweler to cut it.

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - Crackdown 2 On The Way? · 0 replies · +1 points

Honestly, im not that huge into Halo, so thats not why i bought it. i actually bought it because my roommate in college got it for that reason, and we wanted to play co-op, and we ended up having a blast.

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - Crackdown 2 On The Way? · 0 replies · +1 points

word. i fucking loved crackdown.

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - A Next Metal Gear Is... · 0 replies · +1 points

I dont think its a 360 game, because MGS4 will come over to 360 as a port 1st and foremost. but it is probably a handheld PSP game or maybe a DS MGS would be sick.

16 years ago @ GAMINGtruth - Call Of Duty: Modern W... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank god it isn't going to be a sci-fi shooter. I know i was being very cautious of this announcement. But I'm glad IW is pumping out something new, hopefully there is a possibility for some type of a cover system(obviously it wont be as big of a deal as cover in RB6V because you can shoot through anything). I mean Treyarch made a cover system in the new James Bond game, so i think its something to look into. Also, they should fix the animations they feel so clunky and the camera always pissed me off when reloading :P