


55 comments posted · 1 followers · following 7

14 years ago @ Islam in Europe - Flanders: Public schoo... · 0 replies · +1 points

"islam was never violent"
Tell that to the disembodied heads of the Banu Qurayza

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: A persona... · 1 reply · +6 points

Best wishes to Joanna and her family. Surrounded by love, she is.

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - www.jihadwatch.org/arc... · 0 replies · +6 points

Who you gonna believe: your own eyes, or Newsweek magazine?

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: New DHS o... · 0 replies · +3 points

It's a small point, but I think worth mentioning. Thank you Robert for using "Hizballah", rather than "Hezbollah" as Dolly Buster above and most of our media do. As JW readers are aware, the name means "Party of Allah," not "Party of Ollah." The only reason for using "Hezbollah" is to obfuscate its religious significance in an attempt to portray it as a secular "liberation movement."

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Official ... · 0 replies · +3 points

DS, that is funny. Maybe we should refer to them as Hizb'ALA.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Official ... · 0 replies · +6 points

Are you now, or have you ever been, a white male Christian?

The prosecution rests their case.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Indonesia... · 0 replies · +3 points

"...police questioned the wealthy Muslim cleric..."

How does a Muslim cleric become wealthy? Does he sell his own line of designer suicide vests? What?

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Indonesia... · 1 reply · +3 points

Sickos. Paedophile sickos.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Whoops: W... · 0 replies · +3 points

Exactly. Next time they will make sure to forcibly expell Steve Emerson, just like they forcibly expelled Dave Gaubatz, to make sure he cannot report on what was said.

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Whoops: W... · 0 replies · +4 points

He was almost SHOT by DC police, since CAIR/ISNA had given the DC police pictures of Mr. Gaubatz with military-style weapons and a warning that he was "dangerous". CAIR/ISNA accidentally left off the part about the picture being taken in Iraq, where Mr. Gaubatz was serving at the time.

I hope CAIR/ISNA's court-ordered "apology" to Mr. Gaubatz is measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars.