86p830 comments posted · 9 followers · following 8
13 years ago @ Big Government - Wis. Recall Caption Co... · 0 replies · +3 points
13 years ago @ Big Government - Which interview transcript did you read? The one between Beck and Judge Napolitano? That was a ten minute interview the purpose of which was to summarize his radio interview with Newt Gingrich! That interview was far more intense and involved! It was the basis for the summation points which Beck used wuth the Judge, and the Judge new what points he was going to cover with Beck! The points raised in the Judge interview were short examples of the Progressive nature and ideals which Newt embraces, and which were covered in the radio interview! Pure and simple FDR was a Fabian Socialist. There are many books free in pdf format which do not look like FDR's favorite historians wrote them which you may want to read The are available at Newt has over the years said multiple times he was a fan of and liked many of the things FDR did! FDR was a Progressive Socialist. FDR used the title of one of his Socialist advisors books to name his political program...The New Deal! I will not do your research for you. I stand by my points and have not been swayed by your rebuttal. Thanks anyway!
13 years ago @
Big Government -
Go take a class in both reading and listeneing comprehension! It is apparent you need both. Oh and while you are at it hook up with the ex-body language pundit that used to pontificate on the O'Reilly factor, she might teach you a thing or two!
I expect a reply but trust me I will not respond. Answer a fool unto his folly!