Dennis Yu

Dennis Yu


37 comments posted · 90 followers · following 8

12 years ago @ Daily - Multiple car accident ... · 0 replies · +10 points

We were in the white car in the picture-- so happy to be alive, still shaking. 10 folks went to the hospital, but we were lucky to only get bruises.

12 years ago @ Daily - Multiple car accident ... · 1 reply · +10 points

I was in the accident-- passenger in the front right of the white car. Yes, he was going about 90 mph. I talked to him within a couple minutes of it happening. He said that the brakes didn't work, yet he didn't honk, try to pull the emergency brake, or veer into something other than those of us who were sitting at the stoplight.

It was like he didn't seem to care. He just sat down and waited for the ambulances and rescue vehicles. He had a dog in the cab of his truck, who sat there for a couple hours until animal control came.

I'm just thankful to be alive. No fatalities is what the paramedics told us when they treated us.

13 years ago @ All Facebook - Facebook Ad Vendor Bli... · 0 replies · +1 points

Congrats to Blinq! Under Dave's leadership, plus John's help, we see amazing things!

13 years ago @ All Facebook - Surprise! Timeliness B... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Jim,

25-30% news feed coverage (impressions divided by fans) is relatively low. It means that either your fan base isn't on target, your content isn't engaging, your timing is off, or you're in an industry that doesn't generate engagement (healthcare, finance, insurance). Hard to tell without seeing your page.

13 years ago @ All Facebook - Surprise! Timeliness B... · 0 replies · +1 points

Jennifer, you can overlay your postings against fan activity to see how they align. Ping me at and we an set up a prototype dashboard for your page so you can see where to post more or less often.

13 years ago @ All Facebook - Surprise! Timeliness B... · 2 replies · +1 points

Jennifer, we'd love to hear more about your diet delivery meal plan. You mention it's national, so we'd like to know how you handle time zones. 9 am PST is breakfast, which is already lunchtime on the East Coast.

If anyone else has questions, please post them here or at

13 years ago @ All Facebook - Surprise! Timeliness B... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Sarah,

We count interactions as comments plus likes. Comments are worth more than likes, to what degree, we don't know and Facebook won't say. In the example we gave, we measured comments as the main measure of power, since that's what our questions were aiming for. But you're right-- look at comments plus likes.

13 years ago @ All Facebook - How To Use Facebook's ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Looks like only a few folks got access to this. Be patient and you shall receive!

13 years ago @ All Facebook - 56% Of Content Shared... · 1 reply · +1 points

56% of statistics are made up! Seriously, though. I get most of my content on Facebook-- a result of friends liking things.

13 years ago @ All Facebook - How To Succeed At Face... · 0 replies · +1 points

Celeste-- my goodness. Sorry you are not having a good experience with Facebook ads. I'll have to admit that the system is often buggy, so sometimes you have to upload your ads several times to get them in-- and then wait to get them approved. Have you tried leveraging your brick and mortar customer to love you on Facebook by printing your Facebook page in your print markteting materials or perhaps setting up a Facebook deal?