


30 comments posted · 7 followers · following 6

12 years ago @ | portf... - Extreme Honesty a soci... · 0 replies · +1 points

I suppose yet I do have to say I find it just the slightest bit ironic that you're doing precisely the same thing :D Of course that sort of thing is literally what the experiment was about. Given this response I don't feel like you grasped the point of this post and the entire experiment as a whole. What part of the article didn't do a good job explaining it was an experiment conducted using scientific frameworks and best practices for methodology?

It almost feels as though you may have skimmed the article and instead just commented on it.

12 years ago @ | portf... - Extreme Honesty a soci... · 0 replies · +1 points

Where do you think I learned this behavior? You have always been one to lecture at great length about what you know best. You were one of the strongest proponents of a. helping people understand what they don't b. and to call nonsense for what it is. Since I've spent years trying to learn about religion I actually know more about it than most religious people. Even better I have scientific studies showing this to be a normal trend :D

13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - GPS leads deputy to st... · 0 replies · +3 points

There's that whole problem with large numbers of oregon residents being unwilling to pay for those increased patrols. Every time a department asks for more budget typically hiring personnel are the first expenditures. Most government agencies are short staffed.

This is why taxes are a good thing. People cost money.

13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - GPS leads deputy to st... · 0 replies · +3 points

There's that whole problem with large numbers of oregon residents being unwilling to pay for those increased patrols. Every time a department asks for more budget typically hiring personnel are the first expenditures. Most government agencies are short staffed.

13 years ago @ | portf... - I hate tea partiers bu... · 0 replies · +2 points

I\'m not entirely sure why you\'re bringing up the actions of a single political party when the topic at hand is really about how a small but very vocal group of near retarded ignorant people decided that they were going to complain loudly about a black guy trying to make things better for poor Americans. Yes the parties suck but they actually usually have enough mental fortitude to not be little more than dryer lint as opposed to ma and pa teapartier who somehow manage to make the banjo playing kid from Deliverance seem like a Rhode Scholar.

As for Ron Paul: He thinks we can survive as a nation by becoming purely isolationist. We\'re a global economy now, have been for years and there is no reason to pull back from that. Air, water don\'t respect borders so how can anyone expect it to be a good thing to pretend that it does. We need future thinkers not those who decided that 200 years ago was an awesome time for America. We\'re better than this.

13 years ago @ | portf... - I just donated my hair... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've done this before actually. Waaay back in the summer of 1998. I cut it on tour with the excellent Santa Clara Vanguard because it was bloody hot. In that situation one of the color guard moms for the corps told me about Locks of Love for the first time. So when I shaved my head in Denver I mailed the hair off straight away! I hope that the boys and any other children I may have consider doing the same as children. According to the Locks of Love website most of the people who donate are children which makes me feel really optimistic about our future.

13 years ago @ SwelteringCelt - Hope · 0 replies · +1 points

Stop listening to the voices that doubt you. It took throwing away the idea that I was worthless to turn me toward finding value in myself by working for it. You've worked your ass off and your family and friends are so proud of that. Hell most of us admire you if not outright envy you. You rock!


14 years ago @ | portf... - I hate tea partiers bu... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's all good, I'll admit I post the political posts in an inflammatory manner so enjoy somewhat seeing these sorts of replies. What irks and saddens me is how few people that espouse the views of Glenn Beck and others of his ilk can recognize the hypocrisy in themselves. They ALWAYS post negative comments that have a tendency towards blind, uninformed (if not pitifully myopic) fairly incoherent dialogue. So really, so long as they're writing their drivel out on a blog run by an unabashed liberal that means they're spending less time ruining the world for our children and grandchildren.

14 years ago @ | portf... - Introducing Susie the ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have saved money for my kids for college. As for "having a shiny ride" if by "Shiny ride" you mean did I buy myself a reliable form of transportation so I could go and see my sons since my exwife was kind enough to take both cars when she left? Yes I suppose I did. Though given the shape it is in and how much work it still needs I'd hardly call it shiny. Should you be off being a busybody for someone else? Honestly if the things you say about me were to be true I'd have to be an uncaring monster which means your words would have little to no effect on me. Of course it is untrue but since you seem to believe it so much who am I to disagree? Oh right, it's my website with my name all over it and you're just a sad pathetic anonymous idiot who always posts from the same ISP :D Have a great day "whoever" you are.

14 years ago @ | portf... - I hate tea partiers bu... · 0 replies · +2 points

Funny how you post anonymously using a false email can't make any truthful arguments and yet think that gives you any sort of right to say anything about me. Of course it doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine who this is since you always post these crappy comments from the same Clear account with the same IP address.