Chip Griffin

Chip Griffin


34 comments posted · 3 followers · following 5

14 years ago @ New Hampshire Startup ... - Why New Hampshire Need... · 1 reply · +1 points

Let your voice shine through. No reason to stick to just the facts when you can give life to the blog.

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - It’s Finally Tim... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think that's the bug I experienced. It was during food search right after I opened the app (which I assume is when syncing occurs). I have played with it more since my first comment and jumped in with both feet. There's enough additional functionality beyond what I was using that I'm willing to work through the bugs as you grow.

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - It’s Finally Tim... · 3 replies · +1 points

I've been using the Livestrong app, but thought I would give Daily Burn a try after reading your post. The interface is much nicer and has more bells and whistles. But in the first few hours since I got it, the iPhone app has crashed a number of times. And the food database seems a bit off -- the pics are a nice touch but sometimes don't match the product at all (not even the same type of food) and the database seems pickier about search terms than Livestrong.

I will spend a few days double entering data to see how it works out, though. I have definitely found that logging food helps shed the pounds -- maybe it will help me beat you to 200 pounds! :)

14 years ago @ Media Bullseye - A New... - The Woman Problem - Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Personally, I'm not a big fan of blanket categorizations in any direction. In other words, let's be candid and discuss the merits of specific presentations. Should there be more women presenters at social media conferences? Perhaps -- but not because they are women.

I think the way to approach this issue is to say specifically who should have been speaking at a certain conference and what they should have addressed. Ultimately, the best speakers should discuss the most relevant topics -- regardless of gender, race, religion, geography, etc.

The way that we should eliminate gender as a criteria at conferences is to eliminate gender as a criteria at conferences -- not use it explicitly for the sake of change.

14 years ago @ Media Bullseye - A New... - The Woman Problem - Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Jen- just take the period off after study and it will work.

15 years ago @ Media Bullseye - A New... - Social Media Measureme... · 1 reply · +1 points

I would argue that you need to go even a step further. Effectively, you want to know what the likely impact is of a particular article ... something that no mere quantitative assessment of messages delivered can offer. As you rightly note, positioning matters. But so, too, does context. An opposing message can be communicated in such a way as to be dismissive or at least diminishing.

Ultiamtely, what matters is whether someone who reads/skims the article is more or less likely to buy/agree with the product/premise of the client.


15 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Live Search will surpr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ah, the Golden Egg... Your post makes me want to try out Live Search again, but it also makes me want to sneak over to Portsmouth soon for a good breakfast since I haven't eaten at the Golden Egg in about 6 months!

15 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Browser Innovations &n... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ah, the blink tag. That does bring back many (horrible) memories! It also reminds me of a marketing person who used to work for me back in the mid 90's who had just learned PowerPoint and in her presentations she would have a different layout, transition, and sound effect for every slide.

15 years ago @ Media Bullseye - A New... - Kindle for the iPhone-... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hop on a plane every week and you will quickly tire of hauling that bookshelf along with you. Or try the Kindle when you're sitting on the beach on vacation and you finish the book you're reading. No need to go back to the hotel room for a new one, just pick one from your Kindle library or buy one on the spot from Amazon for less than you would pay for the printed version.

As for the iPhone app, I sometimes forget my Kindle. It's great to have a backup now for those times when I'm going to be stuck waiting for a meeting or something. I now have something better to do than harass people by email! :)