


59 comments posted · 30 followers · following 12

14 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Learning To Program · 2 replies · +1 points

This is Charlie O'Keefe. Yes, I worked with everlater in the early stages. No, I did not write "all of their original code base". I give the whole everlater team a lot of credit for how much they learned and how far they've come.

14 years ago @ one - Gnip\'s Head is in the... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is really cool! I had not heard of Terracotta before talking to you guys at Gnip

14 years ago @ PeteSearch - Alien landscapes · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow! Second that!

15 years ago @ Union Station - Programming Contest! W... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm wondering how else to attack this -- I mean, if you could easily reverse a hash like this, that would basically undermine anything out there that depends on SHA1 for security, yes?

15 years ago @ iVolunteer - National Conference on... · 0 replies · +1 points

Can't wait to see it guys!

15 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Some Tech Articles for... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think "feedback loop" is a great way to sum it up. Looking at the trendy software development methodologies, or broadening even more to include "customer development" ( ), the common thread is adding, or tightening, feedback loops.

The waterfall method is the one software people dump on and the reason is simple: no feedback loop.

15 years ago @ Feld Thoughts - Some Tech Articles for... · 0 replies · +1 points

If google calendar were designed to better suit the specific case of taking orders over the phone and scheduling deliveries, would that make it better software?

The way to judge "better" is probably product-market fit ( ). This yardstick applies in both the consumer case and the enterprise case.

15 years ago @ PeteSearch - You can't fail if you ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Wow, no kidding -- I'm kinda curious about those bottles now. And someone is walking around now slowly unloading over 20,000 of them?

15 years ago @ Colorado Startups - You name it · 0 replies · +1 points

Skinet? #nameCO

15 years ago @ The Devver Blog - Announcments! (via video) · 0 replies · +1 points

Nice, congrats guys!