Martin May

Martin May


27 comments posted · 359 followers · following 6

15 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - Huge news! Limbo is jo... · 1 reply · +1 points

Thanks for all the help, David...couldn't have gotten here without you :)

15 years ago @ Occipital - The future of pedestri... · 2 replies · +2 points

Is this data being processed in near-realtime?

15 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - Say what words can't e... · 2 replies · +1 points

We detect Emoji characters server-side and replace them with the appropriate images.

15 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - The Next Digital Exper... · 2 replies · +1 points

Simon, we try to give people as many options and safeguards as we can without sacrificing usability. We'd love to hear what other privacy features you would like to see on Brightkite.

In general, you can delete any of the stuff you create. We don't let you switch the visibility on things you posted in the past just yet, but that's coming very soon. However, changing privacy after the fact doesn't deal with any syndication that might already have happened (i.e. Google indexed it, it was shared to Twitter, nearby users were notified, etc.), that's why we've been focusing on giving people the tools to keep things private to start with (e.g. new user accounts default to private mode).

Of course, there is always room for improvement. Location-stuff is complicated. Striking a balance between convenience and control, all while maintaining a good user experience, is something that we strive for with everything we do. Please keep the feedback coming, we really appreciate it.

15 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - The Next Digital Exper... · 0 replies · +2 points

Great thoughts. That's more or less in line with our thinking. I'd also love to hear thoughts on privacy as it pertains to being tracked constantly (which is convenient, but not very private), versus manual checkins (which is less convenient, but more private).

We're working on ways to fuse the two and get the best of both worlds, but it's quite challenging to find a good balance without providing too many options that confuse the average user.

15 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - Share Photo Posts to Y... · 0 replies · +1 points

Right...completely misread your previous post, sorry. We don't have any plans to do this in batch, but you could use our API to accomplish that.

15 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - Share Photo Posts to Y... · 0 replies · +1 points

Jamie, we don't really view Brightkite as an archival utility, so there is no "photo album" per se. If you are talking about adding past pictures to Brightkite places, that's something we're considering for the future.

15 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - Cross-post Your Photos... · 0 replies · +1 points

To clarify, do you mean just static tags that will be the same for every post from Brightkite, or do you want changing tags for each photo? The former would probably be easy to do, while the latter isn't.

15 years ago @ Brightkite Blog - Cross-post Your Photos... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are you in private mode, with your posts hidden to non-friends? Currently, we treat flickr as "everyone else".

15 years ago @ Victory In Increments - Brightkite: Hit or Mis... · 1 reply · +1 points


We're working on letting you name places, but we want to make sure that we get it right. There are some interesting challenges around that which might not be apparent at first ;)
