


98 comments posted · 1 followers · following 2

11 years ago @ Wonkette - GQ's Michael Wolff Wil... · 0 replies · +6 points

To be fair, the NYT basically exists as the main worldwide source for this kind of genre writing. The genre in question being "Wealthy Entitled Manhattanites Whine About Their Hard, Hard Lives". Anybody remember the classic "$450,000 A Year Is Barely Enough To Live On"?

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Why Does Herman Cain T... · 0 replies · +3 points

You don't understand. You've just got to look at this with the eyes of faith.

Who was it who reported that China got nukes in 1964, huh? That's right, the liberal media! Ever since then, they have been maintaining the obvious fiction that China has nukes, because they knew that someday they could use their propaganda to make the Hermanator look bad. Herman Cain sees through their vicious lies! Herman Cain has seen the inside of their nuclear bunkers with his X-ray vision, and there's nothing there! What? Who're you going to believe? WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON?

13 years ago @ Wonkette - 62% of Americans Moral... · 0 replies · +3 points

Elitist. Yu an yur so-called "math" skillz git!

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Fox And Friends Call P... · 0 replies · +10 points

Wow, I never knew Hitler was gay. Or had children.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Fox And Friends Call P... · 0 replies · +6 points

I prefer Marge Inaverra. She's more accurate.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Word Association Game ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Ah, this sums up Mitt Romney. Two-thirds of those surveyed either don't know who he is, or feel "neutral" about him. Feel the excitement! That will surely propel him into the White House!

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Lead GOP Candidate's E... · 0 replies · +6 points

He's a B, A, Start? Folks, you heard it here first!

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Nearly Half of America... · 0 replies · +2 points

Yeah, well, what would you rather have? In Britain nobody gets to lead a party without having good oratorical skills and a reasonable education, and at their last election they got to choose between three more or less identical white Oxbridge-educated sons of the elite. What a thrill for everybody involved!

Screw that. I'd rather have the more open politics of the US, and accept the possibility that morons might vote morons into office from time to time, rather than declare ahead o' time that only certain people are sound enough to have a shot at running things. Palin would have been impossible in the British system - but so would Obama.

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Half of Republicans Do... · 1 reply · +5 points

I grew up in Britain and moved here when I was 22. I don't think that Americans spelling things differently constitutes a lack of respect. I've just had to learn a dialect that differs from the one I learned (or learnt :-)) when I was young. It's been interesting to figure it out. Like, did you know that you can't have a bath in a bath, but only in a bathtub? That one took me 12 years to figure out!

13 years ago @ Wonkette - Half of Republicans Do... · 3 replies · +5 points

Eh, it's no less our language than it is theirs!

And I'd agree that you do seem fluent!