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5 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 1 reply · +2 points

Or the always handy “fish wrap” potential for these papers that contain little real news, mostly left wing opinion...

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 2 replies · +2 points

Yes Zebby...! Haven’t thought about that sorry loser in years...
he banned me from that/his sorry site...
I never understood banning people... if you don’t like what
someone sez, either set them straight or ignore them...
But Zebby was a piece of work, in the Obama mould...but would never admit he was a garden variety libtard...

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 4 replies · +3 points

Oh you mean John? lol...!

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - July 14,... · 1 reply · +2 points

Looks like you outlasted WeeToad and the JuddHead idiot (OSI1967)....
I’m surprised Sean J stopped his corrupt, lame rantings that said nothing of importance....his type usually just doubles down on delusional insanity and moves on to the next manufactured leftist outrage of the day or makes personal attacks on conservatives...
They’ve now spent two whole weeks on illegal border crossing children..
This cacacauphany will continue for a long time but other outrages, like Putin/Russia will supplement their shrieks....
All to no avail as America becomes great again...

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 6 replies · +2 points

It’s not IntenseDebate...and nothing like The Growl..
I told JerseyGirl to just post here... makes sense?

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 1 reply · +4 points

i think it would be great if you also contributed here.
I’d like to see this site bloom again... you could help...!

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - July 14,... · 3 replies · +2 points

The left’s phony, manufactured outcry against all things conservative, must
simply be laughed at then ignored.
Responding to them in a sincere way, emboldens their psychosis and delusional

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 27 replies · +3 points

Did you get invited to the JerseyGirls new site?
I’m feeling kinda left out...

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 1 reply · +2 points

Don’t count on any of the swamp creatures to come forth with any honesty or repentance, they are all sworn loyalists to the phony Obumbler legacy, permanently propped up by the corrupters in the media.

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 3 replies · +2 points

Sessions seems to be only interested in immigration....
All else is far too esoteric for trick Jeff..