Spanking Queen

Spanking Queen


92 comments posted · 13 followers · following 3

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Tuesday Open Thread · 3 replies · +5 points

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread · 1 reply · +12 points

Hello. In reference to the "fuck you," let's keep the personal attacks to zero, please.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Tuesday Open Thread · 1 reply · +9 points

Can we keep the conversation on topic, please?

Thank you.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Tuesday Open Thread · 4 replies · +17 points

Let's take it down a level, plz.

11 years ago @ Crasstalk - Tuesday Open Thread · 5 replies · +12 points

11 years ago @ Crasstalk - Tuesday Open Thread · 0 replies · +11 points

11 years ago @ Crasstalk - Sunday Open Thread · 4 replies · +11 points

Or why they would want to be.


11 years ago @ Crasstalk - Sunday Open Thread · 0 replies · +4 points

A far less "artistic" interpretation here by Nicolas la Riche and he is sublime through to the very end.[youtube 4OPJq_R7Qjw youtube]

11 years ago @ Crasstalk - Sunday Open Thread · 0 replies · +4 points

Jorge Donn aka Buffalo Bill performed it in 1963. Seems that he ran out of energy near the end. He's my least favorite. [youtube -tc-Kwyu8ic youtube]

11 years ago @ Crasstalk - Sunday Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

I prefer this interpretation performed by the firey French ballerina, Sylvie Guillem. She is entrancing. [youtube SHrYr7AgZOM youtube]