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9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - Project Read What I Own · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Saraansh, I just saw tis - apparently 119 weeks after you posted it. I am trying to be more proactive now. I am glad that you enjoyed it.

9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - Review: The Children A... · 0 replies · +1 points

I get it - I couldn't stand Atonement the first few times I read it. I can't honestly say now that I loved it, but it did eventually catch my attention. This is a really good book for people like me - it's probably my favourite McEwan book so far. He gets straight to the point. It's amazing the pictures he can create in your mind with such straightforward writing.

9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - Review: Blind Faith by... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think I agree with you Jo

9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - Review: The Casual Vac... · 0 replies · +1 points

That sounds like a good idea

9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - Review: The Casual Vac... · 0 replies · +1 points

I know it's been a long time since this review but if you ended up reading it I hope that enjoyed it as much as your friend did. That's one of the good things about books - everyone enjoys something different.

9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - Review: The Casual Vac... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think there's just nothing about this book that jumps out and grabs your attention. At least, that's how it was for me too.

9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - The Casual Vacancy by ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I hadn't thought of it from that perspective Angie but the more I do, the more I think that you might be right. It was hard to know what to make of this book.

9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - The Casual Vacancy by ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I suppose in a way Kay is a good example of a point that Rowling might have been trying to make - that in the end no one is perfect. People in general are incredibly flawed. Certainly all the characters in this book were. Maybe with the teenagers though we accept it a little more or it seems a little bit more reasonable because we know how hard it is to be a teenager?

9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - How do you choose whic... · 0 replies · +1 points

A book tasting menu! I love that, I might have to steal that phrase. That tends to be quite along the lines of what I do. Just pull some down and read a little bit of each until I find one that grabs my attention. I wish I found ti easier for a book to grab my attention at the moment - but perhaps I am just in a reading slump.

9 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - How do you choose whic... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think that mood is my biggest guide post on what to read too. Problem is, sometimes I just can't figure out what I am in the mood for lol