


73 comments posted · 2 followers · following 3

14 years ago @ 360Junkies.com - WET T-Shirt Contest & ... · 0 replies · -1 points

I want to get wet cause I don't want to be dirty like Janet Weiss! :)

15 years ago @ Spawn Kill - CONTEST: Win E3 Swag! · 0 replies · +1 points

I would love to have one of the swag bags. I've been a gamer since I was around the age of 3 or 4 and it has been my hobby no more like a religion or life something of the sort. Winning something like this to add to my collection of various gaming swag would bring a little satisfaction to this boy named Jake's heart for not being able to attend E3 because of the whole not working in the industry deal and whatnot. Would you kindly let me win one of the swag packs?

(hope that BioShock trick works haha)

15 years ago @ thexboxdomain.com - [CLOSED] Best Zombie S... · 0 replies · +1 points

Pull a Ash move, get a chainsaw attached to your hand and pray to God you don't run out of gas for it!

15 years ago @ 360Sync.com - Contest: Space Invader... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sweet, thanks! :)

15 years ago @ UnNamed Gaming - Resident Evil hits the... · 0 replies · +1 points

I love how the iPhone is becoming a new gaming system, I need to get one! :)

15 years ago @ UnNamed Gaming - Konami announces Vanda... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sweet, can't wait for this xbla game :)

15 years ago @ 360Sync.com - Contest: Space Invader... · 0 replies · 0 points

For the movie it would have to be hands down Star Wars original trilogy, for my favorite game it would have to be KOTOR 1 which is by far my favorite original xbox rpg :)

15 years ago @ UnNamed Gaming - Caption Contest: Lode ... · 0 replies · 0 points

"Why yes, I do think my awesomeness comes from my diagonally downward shotting gun but I'm awesome too you know! Don't leave me..."

15 years ago @ wouldyoukindly.com - The Conduit Remix Cont... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't think I'm going to enter, I may, but I'm mainly just going to download the tracks. We'll see.

15 years ago @ UnNamed Gaming - The PSN Store weekly u... · 1 reply · +2 points

I love Disgaea, one of the few games I plan on getting when I get myself a Playstation 3!