


76 comments posted · 5 followers · following 3

14 years ago @ Israellycool - The Day In Israel: Thu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Murdoch is Jewish? Who knew?

The Saudi Oil Lobby is the one to watch.

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Australia... · 0 replies · +3 points

At least I didn't vote for Rudd, and proud of it!

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Australia... · 0 replies · +4 points

They head a lefty lawyer on the ABC radio. He didn't want 'anyone jumping to conclusions' and such.

Before you know it they'll be feted like David Hicks.
Alleged terrorist always have more rights than any of us.

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Australia... · 0 replies · +5 points

Hi payingattention,
I think some people do - just not enough yet and the govt and media make it very difficult to get to the truth.
Before you know it they will stop us saying the word 'terror'. The police Dept and others are working on it.
<a href="" target="_blank">

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Australia... · 0 replies · +4 points

I read it online.They have a lot of reasonable stuff,all things considered.
Now the Age is another story!

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Australia... · 2 replies · +5 points

Hi payingattention!! You really are paying attention:)

Hope all is well with you.

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Australia... · 5 replies · +5 points

Interesting comments here:

All sympathy for the would-be perps!

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Australia... · 0 replies · +7 points

The Australian is probably the most balanced paper we have here. They usually post both sides of many issues,thankfully. The muslim community had fits when our deputy PM Julia Gillard, recently went to Israel for trade talks, and The OZ then had an editorial saying they would never be intimidated.

I always check for my news with Andrew Bolt.Don't always agree with him but he's really great.

14 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Obama may... · 0 replies · +7 points

Obama's doing a good job ,,,,,,no wait!!

(Just me channeling Robert!)

Freed to Kill More American Soldiers: Taliban Thrives, Thanks to Obama Policy

Maybe he learned "How to Wreck Your Country 101" at Harvard or from Ayres?

15 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: Stop the ... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Even Hamas, although it openly proclaims that it is fighting an Islamic jihad, realizes that this news could damage its cause in the eyes of its useful idiots in the international Left, and so issues a furious denial."

I am finding this a bit hard to believe. They don't seem to care about anything except thinking up new ways of killing people.