


317 comments posted · 14 followers · following 10

13 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - Why I am soldiering on · 0 replies · +14 points

Some sense at last, theres always two sides to a storey and until you have heard both sides, keep an open mind.

14 years ago @ London Patriot - Eight Moslem men in Te... · 0 replies · +6 points

How the hell have this scum got bail?

14 years ago @ London Patriot - Left wing biased BBC b... · 0 replies · +3 points

One word sums him up, COWARD

14 years ago @ London Patriot - Human right laws save ... · 0 replies · +2 points

If the people of this country keep voting for the liars from the Con/Lab/Lib parties, they only have themselves to blame when things like this happen. Of course they could just vote for the only true way out of this mess we are in, vote and support the British National Party.

14 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - Was this the real reas... · 1 reply · +24 points

Not surprising really, when Nick Griffin and Co got assaulted out side Westminster and our brave scum in blue just watched, playing with them selfs. I must say that i would not help any Policemen that needed help but just walk away.

14 years ago @ http://thebritishresis... - BNP to Launch Court Ac... · 2 replies · +20 points

What about the Muslim who threatened to kill Nick, imagine if this was the other way round. It was good to see Bob in action.

14 years ago @ Simon Darby - Roast Budgerigar · 0 replies · +10 points

Although i can not be there to support you all Tuesday, my fingers are crossed and wish for you all, the best of British.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - Nick Griffin MEP BNP p... · 0 replies · +15 points

Again the Fascists win. That stupid bitch on Sky has finally angered me enough to make me cancell sky and get freeview and i will tell them the reason. What with that copper getting let of the hook for murdering Mr Tomlinkson this is another nail in the coffin for democracy. Do these people think they will beat us, well think on scum bags.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - Bloody Sunday · 2 replies · +2 points

Will they (the government) in thirty years time start persecuting our brave soldiers whom are out in Afghanistan now?
We have at the moment known terrorist scum governing Northern Ireland and brave soldiers being threatened with prosecution for following orders. The fucking lunatics have won and have taken over the Asylum. G.A I will never forget those two squadies kidnapped and murdered by those red neck terrorist scum.

14 years ago @ The Green Arrow - You know what really d... · 3 replies · +13 points

Not a day goes by without me hearing that cowardly comment “oh what can we do about it" or "you can't say that" I've come to the conclusion that the average person in this country are cowards. I love Great Britain, but I am in total despair at the ease of which this country is being taken over. My own brother sacked my younger brother and got an Eastern European to do his job. I have not spoke to him since, but my younger brother still voted Labour and when I spoke to him concerning the BNP he said he would not vote for a fascist, I told him to look up the meaning of the word and he would find out he would be voting for a fascist (Labour) Just shows you the mentality of the people in this country.