


367 comments posted · 11 followers · following 5

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - The Blog Cabin 2012 Wi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks, Rhonda, for getting me back in the loop. I did read through the recent entries. There is still no For Sale sign and no other sign of activity.

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - The Blog Cabin 2012 Wi... · 3 replies · +1 points

Rhonda, I stopped following the blog once the winner was announced- didn't even realize anyone was still on it. i took a quick look at the blog entries but didn't see where the winner had posted anything. Right now I better go get some wood cut if I want to have heat- have a wonderful week.

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - The Blog Cabin 2012 Wi... · 5 replies · +1 points

Hi Rhonda, I did not see anything about the Turners planning to sell , but there also has been no sign of activity until earlier this week when the front walk and the drive in front of the barn were shoveled. Other than that, nothing.
If I had won, I would at least want to see the place or check out the furnishings to see if I wanted to use anything. I don't know if they drained the water to prevent freezing pipes or if they are keeping it minimally heated. The lighting in the deck steps still seems to come on at night, but otherwise no sign of life. I'll try to let you know if anything changes.

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - The Blog Cabin 2012 Wi... · 0 replies · +1 points

There has been no sign of activity there at all. The basement light has been on, but otherwise nothing. I , too, would have been anxious to come up and see the place. I assume basic heating has been left on and obviously the power is still on. As you say, maybe they'll come up for Christmas- unless they're waiting for warmer weather. Good to hear from you, hope you have a wonderful Christmas season. Carole

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - The Blog Cabin 2012 Wi... · 4 replies · +3 points

There's a guy here in Waldoboro on the Friendship Road who repairs lawn mowers and all small engines and he is always wearing a leather "kilt"- usually without a shirt.

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - The Blog Cabin 2012 Wi... · 8 replies · +3 points

The weather has been so overcast and rainy the last few weeks that the colors around the BC aren't that spectacular. Of course if you're in a place where you don't get the fall leaf colors, then it wold still be worth seeing. There are a lot of yellows and the oaks still have a lot of green/ yellow.

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - Wouldn't You Like Thes... · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm not sure about the pesticides , etc., but the fellow 2 houses away does have goats and some chickens.

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - Wouldn't You Like Thes... · 0 replies · +3 points

There are some different things that can be done to reduce the taxes (tree growth, farmland) which of course come with assorted restrictions and rules and if it's your primary residence there is a homestead exemption. If your income is below a certain amount the state still has what they call a "Circuit Breaker" program where you can file to get a refund on some of the property tax.

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - Wouldn't You Like Thes... · 3 replies · +3 points

Maybe it could be made into a time share and there could be 25 winners who divide up the weeks and the taxes then many of the bloggers could win some time there.

12 years ago @ Blog Cabin - Wouldn't You Like Thes... · 0 replies · +1 points

Moody's definitely has the best chocolate cream pie, but it's also hard to pass up their 4 berry pie.