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6 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 0 replies · +5 points

You really don't hear that so much anymore.

6 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 6 replies · +6 points

What's the deal with the buttered popcorn flavored Jelly Bellies?

My kids got a care package from grandad and nana and it included a huge jar of jelly bellies, a candy i haven't eaten in decades if ever. These fuckers are awesome, except for that one flavor.

6 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 0 replies · +2 points

Every frame of it is perfect.

7 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 0 replies · +1 points

Also here's a comparison of the 1924 olympic team opening ceremony outfits vs 2024:

7 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is quite possibly the greatest random tv clip the internet has ever unearthed. Yeah other ones have gone viral for a few days here and there but this singular and beautiful masterpiece truly has staying power.

I think about this video at least once a week I swear. It speaks to the modern condition, or something.

7 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 4 replies · +6 points

I would buy a plane ticket to Paris right now if this was the opening ceremony lmao

1 day ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 1 reply · +3 points

A roll of sod is definitely turf. But if you grew grass from seed, it would still be turf. All real grass is turf!

I think because so many youth sports fields use artificial turf now, that people just shortened it to turf without thinking about what the word turf means. The internet tells me it's an Americanism so possibly the British will hold out against speaking this way. Let's hope so.

1 day ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 5 replies · +6 points

One of my most Dad opinions is that people sound so dumb when they use the word "turf" to mean "artificial turf."

The word turf literally means grass with dirt underneath it. That's what turf is. Turf is real grass.

You have no idea how angry this makes me! Respect real turf.

1 day ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 2 replies · +4 points

How dare you address a descendent of Charlemagne that way!

2 days ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 0 replies · +4 points

I've long said that activists are the worst people on the entire planet.