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9 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited â... · 0 replies · 0 points

It's a good move because when those vets go all post-traumatic they will instinctually take out the builder, so you introduce the designer as the builder and let him take the hit.

9 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited: ... · 11 replies · -13 points

This one was confusing.

The Restaurant opened 10 years ago. Was it making $ at first? Did things suddenly so south? If it cost 60K to open..does that mean Maria paid her sister 30K to get out of the partnership?

There had to be more of a story behind what drove the brother to behave the way he did.

Obviously the place was a dump and any renovation would have to improve it. But overall this one was a little lackluster for Cheryl. Also, when Maria was hugging Cheryl, Cheryl seemed to be a little phobic.

And if you're an Italian lesbian and your brother opens a restaurant across the street, don't you just make a phone call and have him whacked?

Between the sister, the brother and Robert there was one hell of a lot of steroids for the food network.

9 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

So, you'd go with 'Pizza Bell'?

9 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited: ... · 2 replies · +19 points

If only there was a show....Comedian Impossible....

9 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited: ... · 2 replies · +25 points

I hope Kerry finds some emotional peace. Obviously when you are yelling at everyone it is due to your own feeling of not being adequate. That behavior is just not acceptable when directed about people who work for you. It's a job, there is no right to scream at people like a child just because you pay them a salary.

9 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited â... · 0 replies · +1 points

There didn't seem to be a restaurant there. No seating, no tables. It made no sense to me.

Chef Robert knocked their food, but really the food seemed to be about expected for a low-end golf course. You are making the turn, and you run in the club house to get a hot dog, brat or a burger before you continue on.

After the do-over, it just seemed like a little club house where you get a beer and chat with your buddies after your round.

10 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited: ... · 0 replies · +4 points

I watched this tonight, and last night was the final episode of Fargo, and I was just sitting there watching tonight waiting for Billy Bob Thornton to walk in and shoot Heather but it didn't happen.

10 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited: ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Its amazing how much food prices have gone up during the Obama presidency.

10 years ago @ The FN Dish - Fast and Easy Christma... · 0 replies · +11 points

I've never seen an owner all alone during the reveal before. Poor Eileen. I hope she kicks butt.

10 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited: ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Unusual episode.