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10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Is the Shutdown Caucus... · 0 replies · +1 points

When you have a losing hand and the other player knows it, what do you do? Triple the stakes? Ignore the rules and hope you´ll win by "showing some spine"? I don´t think so. Not when your own fortune is at stake.

10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Is the Shutdown Caucus... · 0 replies · +1 points

So what exactly would happen if you were in Boehner's place?

10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Is the Shutdown Caucus... · 0 replies · +1 points

I admit it. I am so racist that Obama's skin color kept me from voting Democrat in the last 22 years.

10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Is the Shutdown Caucus... · 0 replies · +1 points

No Republican voted for Obamacare or the stimulus. They fought these things at a time when the polls were against them and Barry was very popular. What do you expect?

We do not need more principles, we need votes. Voters. Regular people are not part of the base, or much interested in politics at all. THAT is how you advance principles. And the last weeks did not help us in any way to win them over.

The truth is, the right fringe does not care about winning anyone over, they are happy to be among themselves, keeping themselves pure and untainted, waiting for a savior, and hating on anyone who gets his hands dirty to advance conservatism in the real world. The sacred base, an eternal minority.

10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Is the Shutdown Caucus... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes! Well said.

10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Is the Shutdown Caucus... · 0 replies · +1 points

Fine. But you need a national majority, a majority or near majority in both houses plus the presidency. We had it but now the Dems have it. Conservatives who do not understand or care that they need to engage the political reality are the real problem. Not imagined "Rino traitors".

The vaunted conservative base does not need any more coddling. It needs to stop getting their directions from talk radio and understand that it is a minority and cannot win elections on its own. The democrat base largely understands this, and look who got more of their agenda implemented since 2007.

Boehner could set himself on fire on the house floor and the fringe would call him spineless. I was like that a couple of years ago. Now I am sick of it.

10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Is the Shutdown Caucus... · 0 replies · +1 points

In politics, wishful thinking and tantrums get you nothing. And they are not conservative either.
"didn't stand by them"? What does that even mean? The fringe got what it wanted, they predictably failed and now they are blaming anyone but themselves, just like liberals always do.

I am sick of so-called real conservatives who spend more time fighting the GOP than the Democrats. If the GOP had the majorities Obamacare would be over. We do not need any more purity and principles, we need voters. And the fringe is driving them away.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Act of Valor': 'Paren... · 0 replies · +6 points

Let me get this straight: If we show our soldiers as brave, heroic and a force for good, which was their historic role for over a century, then it is propaganda. Ok, in that case I like some propaganda.

But why isn´t it propaganda when we show all soldiers as PTSD suffering victims or ticking time bombs or manipulated buffoons? Regarding the last point, chances are even a liberal voted for someone who voted to send them to war.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Yahoo! Lets HBO's Bill... · 0 replies · +2 points

Name one social conservative policy that has actually harmed the country in the last twenty years. I mean harmed not in the sense of "all my pals got hysterical and felt really hurt" but in the sense of: trillions of debt, people impoverished, liberties lost and the state empowered.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Sacha Baron Cohen, the... · 0 replies · +1 points

It´s a fair point.