


640 comments posted · 43 followers · following 3

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'The X-Fi... · 0 replies · +2 points

For what I read, there shouldn't be disturbance in the continuity. C.Carter said that he cut/changed some lines in the real episode 2 since it will air as the 5th episode now. And I read that the X-Files office looks more "new" in episode 3 than it looks in the 2th aired.
Damn, I really hate when they do that!

The airing order is 1/5/3/2/4/6. ( numbers are for the episode production order )

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'The X-Fi... · 3 replies · +3 points

I don't know if you know this, Mark, but Fox doesn't air the episodes in the same order of their production.
So this episode 2 was meant to be the 5th... Chris Carter seems ok with that and they just had to change few things.
Years pass and Fox is still messing with its shows!

Anyway, that was a really good episode!!! And I was so not ready for all the William feels! :'(

8 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'The X-Fi... · 0 replies · +7 points

I had to rewind and rewatch the opening credits twice because it was the same old one and it was so overwhelming!!!!

I watched The X-Files back in the day and it was one of the first TV shows that I became obsessively involved with. And its popularity at this time in France made it one of the first TV shows taken seriously and broadcasted respectfully on our networks ( In the early 90's, XFiles with ER and Friends were really the shows that made me become a TV shows addicted. And then later Buffy came... but that's another story! )

Overall, I've enjoyed the episode! I was so worried since I've caught so many negative tweets about it by TV critics. It sure is not perfect and there's too much told ( about the conspiracy ) in too little time, making the exposition too rushed. But I don't care because you know what?


9 years ago @ Mark Reads - Help plan the Mark Doe... · 1 reply · +2 points

Yay, a neighbor!!! So cool! :)
And if Mark has a day off, we could totally plan some touring or just hanging by one of the lakes if he needs to rest!

9 years ago @ Mark Reads - Help plan the Mark Doe... · 4 replies · +7 points

GENEVA!!!! I live SO close!!!

Last time, you came to Paris, and I couldn't go because of work so if you plan to go to Geneva, I CAN GO! Definitively!
My city, Annecy, is at 30-40 minutes by road. Geneva is at the border of my state, Haute Savoie! So close!
I don't know if there will be other folks interested in an Mark event in Geneva ( closed to Germany too ) but if you make it, you can count on me.

I can even offer you my couch since I can drive you back to my place. Geneva isn't a cheap place to live in.
And then you can visit my lovely city ( Gorgeous lake + mountains + an old city called The little Venice of Alps.) Google Annecy! You can only fall in love with it! lol
I can also take you to visit Chamonix/ Mont-Blanc if you want. Not too far by road. ;-)

If you can't plan an event and still want to visit ( maybe at the end of your tour ), I can offer you that too!
I can drive you to the south of France till the French Riviera! I've already done it.Till Nice/Cannes/Monté-Carlo, it's just 5 hours by road.
You have to visit the French Riviera if you're coming in France a second time!
And from Nice ( Train station + International airport where the Hollywood stars arrive when they go to the Cannes Festival ), you can take a train to Italy if you want to. Or go back home. Even if I'm sure the plan tickets must be more expensive than from Oslo.

Anyway, those are just some ideas. I'm open to yours. I just need to know early ( before March), so I can schedule work and take some days off. And I won't be available the 7/13 because I'm going to MUSE concert!
Other that, I'm available.

Just know that on July there's a lot of tourists in my town or in South of France (or in France in general) and if you need to book anything, you need to do it early.

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +2 points

Hey there! Here's the Hannibal season 1 links. 9 clicks for each episodes: http://markdoesstuff.fetchapp.com/get/cnkcyf

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Hello, Watchers! A lit... · 0 replies · +3 points

Hey, Mark!
I know I haven't been around a lot lately and I'm so late in my TWW re-watch that I can't follow with you anymore. Boo!!! But I'll get there eventually and read all your reviews & watch all your videos.

I'm glad to see that the Markverse keeps on growing, and whatever you're putting on to keep your sites running without too much financial worries, I'm on board!
Unfortunately, after you finish The West Wing, there isn't a show that I'm interested to follow/commission for you, so if you put up other ways to support you, you can count on me.
I will gladly sign up for a subscription and would totally love some Mark merchandazing!! (OMG!!! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!).
As for an on-line convention, I don't know what it would mean ( never participated in any conventions or else ) and with the time zone difference and my slowness in English, I'm not sure I could participate but I'm open to the idea so why not?

Anyway, I may not be on line that often but I always try to catch up on your news (I miss interacting with you!) and you can count on my support. <3

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +2 points

Sorry, I'm late again! So here my last TWW and VM links:

TWW 6x10 6x11 6x12 6x13 6x14: http://markdoesstuff.fetchapp.com/get/gonepi
VM 3X17 3x18 3x19 3x20: http://markdoesstuff.fetchapp.com/get/tdcvth

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 2 replies · +4 points

Hello everyone!
I missed the last weeks so here my late links:

TWW 6x03 6x04 6x05 6x06 6x07 6x08 6x09 http://markdoesstuff.fetchapp.com/get/kgyeyi

VM 3x01 3x02 3x03 3x04 3x05 3x06 3x07 3x08 3x09 3x10 3x11 3x12 http://markdoesstuff.fetchapp.com/get/muluho

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 3 replies · +1 points

My links for TWW 5x14, 5x15 and VM 2x01, 2x02 and 2x03 : http://markdoesstuff.fetchapp.com/get/bvkiej