


35 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

7 years ago @ The Toast - A note on The Toast · 0 replies · +25 points

Oh my god. And *your* hair looks great, too, Madam soon-to-be-President.

7 years ago @ The Toast - The Final Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +31 points

I have spent the last week being mostly sad and furious about Brexit and my stupid, stupid country, but today I am even sadder about the end of The Toast. I should have known that something that burned so bright could not last, but we will always have the memories (and the archived site).

I raise a glass to The Toast and all my fellow Toasties, and for a final time, I take to the sea.

7 years ago @ The Toast - Hey Ladies: Take it to... · 1 reply · +29 points

Hey Ladies! So I accidentally took a Brexit last week, and I'm still feeling the effects. Can anyone tell me when it wears off? Seems like everything is on fire and nothing makes sense any more lol.

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." - UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill

"The haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate" - TayTay

(Oh Ladies, you terrible people, how I will miss you. Thank you, Caroline and Michelle. *pours one out for Gracie*)

7 years ago @ The Toast - Annotating Dean Martin... · 0 replies · +13 points

I didn't even know I needed an annotation of Dean Martin's performance of Gentle On My Mind, but now the world would be incomplete without it.

O Toast, where will I find such things when you are gone?

7 years ago @ The Toast - "I saw writing from pe... · 0 replies · +4 points

Finding The Toast was like discovering someone had crafted the most perfect present just for me. It felt like Christmas morning. It was sharp, fiercely intelligent, high-brow and low-brow at the same time, loved myth and art and stories - and it was so, so funny. And then I discovered it was Christmas morning for a lot more people than just me, and the comments were even better. I haven't felt so much loss since Shapely Prose closed.

I mean, NBD that it's closing. I'm sure there are lots of other misandrist, women-in-Western-art-history-captioning, two-monks-inventing-art, making-children's-stories-horrible websites with an archive of texts from great figures of literature and a complicated love/hate relationship with Ayn Rand out there. *sobs forever*

7 years ago @ The Toast - Don't Let Anyone Tell ... · 1 reply · +35 points

I work for a famous university press that last year made an emoji (😂) our Word of the Year, to much wailing and gnashing of teeth (including mine at the time), but I think it's legitimately fascinating how all this stuff* is changing language and written communication (hashtags, emojis, lolcats, memes, gifs and so on).

*Stuff is a technical linguistic term, of course.

7 years ago @ The Toast - An Update To Wikipedia... · 1 reply · +19 points

I'm Spartacus, and so's my wife!

7 years ago @ The Toast - Women Who Have Gone Ba... · 6 replies · +26 points

And there are Muggle-born witches and wizards! Do none of them ever want to do anything non-wizarding as a career? Do none of the kids want to be doctors or lawyers or football players or hairdressers or publishers or journalists (there's only one wizard paper, after all)? Apparently joining the wizarding world is a one-way ticket - no one ever seems to go back, and they wouldn't have the skills if they wanted to.

7 years ago @ The Toast - Women Who Have Gone Ba... · 0 replies · +34 points

I just watched the last episode of Outlander S1 last night, and I am SO DONE with all the rape. The final episode is basically one long gratuitous torture-porn rape scene. I don't think I'll be watching S2.

And Claire is an idiot. Yes, why go back home to the 20th century where you have the vote and antibiotics and dentistry, when you can stay in the 18th century and probably die of a treatable illness or in childbirth. Despite her idiocy, Claire has somehow memorised everything about the Highland Uprisings and 18th century Scottish customs, which is pretty handy for her. The only thing I like about her is that she's drunk most of the time, which is pretty much how I'd handle accidentally travelling back in time.

Love Sex Kilt, though. It was almost worth watching 15 hours of rape attempts for that.

7 years ago @ The Toast - Women Who Have Gone Ba... · 18 replies · +65 points

Also, why no Maths or English or any other Muggle classes? I get that magic is why the kids are there and would push out other stuff, (.History of Magic instead of History, Potions instead of Science) but they still need basic skills to write their essays and work out how much eye of newt/do basic budgeting (although that might explain the Weasleys...). God knows how any of the students from the overseas schools learned English, unless their schools were better at Hogwarts in fitting Modern Foreign Languages into the curriculum.

And the rules of Quidditch are ridiculous. One team is winning 14-0, and the other catches the snitch and wins the game? That. Is. Not. A. Sport. That is like playing 90 minutes of football, then deciding who wins based on a coin toss.

Come at me, bro.