1,911 comments posted · 388 followers · following 3,641
9 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - How the SU Crew Draw P... · 0 replies · +8 points
Love...and all the distinct styles from
these various artists and all are just so awesome hehe!
9 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Nightly Discussion #2 · 0 replies · +1 points
I've been watching a lot of shows lately and having fun
at the same time.
But yes, I seen the 100th MLP episode when it premiered yesteray
as I was excited and loved it! Yes indeed I enjoyed it all too well...this post
describes me feeling all too well:
With that said, it was great for me (and I know it's not perfect
for those small reasons...but it was ohso fun non-the-less.)
Well that is all, thanks and see ya mate!
9 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Nightly Discussion #2 · 0 replies · +1 points
Now i'm being reminded of that video about Gravity Falls and it's rating which
was funny at how that show takes things to the next level! ^^
(They really went pass 11 on that show, it's amazing...and I love it for it hehe!)
But yeah...thanks for correcting me, though at least the show still is good to watch
and Sholem wants, he can let the kids watch it with him or if he trusts them/knows
they're old enough...honestly this show is alright for kids to watch as it is for adults too.
Well i'm going, see ya and have a nice day/night!
9 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Nightly Discussion #2 · 3 replies · +2 points
is if I recall correctly...TV-Y7.
Is there something "not safe" that this show has that isn't good for young kids
that are say...7 to 10 years watch this? Come on dude, you act like your
children won't be able to handle this show which isn't EVEN close to Ren & Stimpy levels
of humour/gross-out/etc.
Maybe some shows you won't show to your children...depending on how
mature they are, what kind of show it is and if they're able to handle it. (Believing in their ability to handle
such things and not "treat" them as just a bunch of kids who won't ever grow up, eh?)
But to be honest, Steven Universe is a show that you and kids shouldn't have any problem
watching and if you're afraid of something they'll see...just think about it and relax, it's not gonna
hurt/harm them in any bad way.
You're an adult and your parents did something that many others may of done in the past...
What did you learn about that in the past? Do you think all the shows on CN are of that like
Ren & Stimpy or is it something else? You should think about this thoroughly before making
the choice of preventing them from seeing anything that "you" might not like.
Just try making a watch the shows only with you around watching them (until you
have enough trust in them to watch it on their own) or pick a show that's appropriate for them
at the moment until they really want to watch the shows you're holding them out of...if you think
and feel they're ready for it that is.
They're gonna be shows that they may like that you may's understandable
if they like something that you might not like. A show you're not interested in/don't like is
alright but if they like it, then it's their choice and it's best to respect their like and dislikes.
...Also your argument doesn't mesh well with your original comment you
made multiple times so i'll say it again, stop spamming and forcing Calpain and
others to take this site down. You should know more that's not going to happen
and if you keep on spamming/start a mini-flamewar with these comments...I'm reporting
you. End of Story.
Stay well, try not to stir up any trouble and see ya.
9 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - The Crewniverse · 0 replies · +3 points
a jerk about it all demanding what Calpain, the people behind the show, and many
other fans like me and others, put their hardwork into making this site for what they love.
You should know that what you said isn't going to happen.
If you're an adult then you know more to act mature and think
what you just said...
If Calpain and others wanted to make this, then it's their decision to make it
no matter what you think doesn't "deserve" it.
End of Story and I recommend ignoring this site's
existence if you really don't like it/hate it for some reason.
If I see you continue to spam saying to take this down
and cause a mini-flame or anything bad...I'll report you.
I'm serious, stop it or else.
Anyways bye.
9 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Nightly Discussion #1 · 0 replies · +2 points
I might as well...copypaste what I just said for y'all so enjoy:
I've known about Steven Universe ever since Rebecca Sugar and CN announced
it being a new show worked on by her back in January 2013! Knowing about Rebecca Sugar's
amazing work on Adventure Time as i'm a huge fan of the show and loved her songs/episodes she written
on that show (esp. I Remember You, that episode made me shed tears like no other!) and more!
She is amazing and I was happy to learned that she was working on her own show, including being
the very first female showrunner on Cartoon Network! =D
I've seen the pilot (only a short version was uploaded back in June/July 2013 while
full version was upped much later) and really enjoyed it a lot, and since Steven Universe
premiered as well back in November 2013 and been watching that show ever since.
I recall reading a post/comment sometime around the 10th episode that
was released (Frybo) and read that they're big plans for Steven as it was about
him growing up, a coming of age story or some sort and he'll began to learn more
as time goes on. Boy I wasn't completely prepared for what was about to happen
down through late in the show when reaching the half-way point of Season 1 and
then reaching close to the end...and then the finale.
I'm happy to of been following this show since it's premiere to
the Steven Bomb that has happened back in the best month of
my life in 2015, March! (So many amazing animated related things
happen for me, from new shows premiering/I discovered to big episodes like Gravity Falls
and the explosion that was the Steven Bomb!)
It's been oh-so great and I can't wait to see what this Universe
will bring that is Steven Universe, as I did with MLP-FiM
and many other shows too hehe!
Yup, I basically known about Steven Universe since it was
first announced all the way back in January 2013! =D
Never felt so excited when I first heard of it and super happy
how far this show has come to be, loved/liked by many people
and all hehe! To the next, amazing STEVEN BOMB NEXT WEEK! YEAH! =D
9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Beach City Bugle Launc... · 0 replies · +2 points
watching tons of shows, relaxing and having all kinds of fun fun fun!
But yeah, i'm still here and will comment when I want to hehe!
Your welcome for the follow by the way.
So you don't like SU eh? That's understandable...though I am curious, is it
from just the first few episodes that you saw that turned you off or did you see
a bunch more then that and decided it wasn't for you?
I'm just curious because I know some people who're turned off
by the show just by the first few episodes/pilot. If that's the case well...I just
want to say that the show will change and get better as you watch along as you
see Steven grow up as a character, understand the world a bit more with lore
being revealed and whatnot, learning about the characters emotions/feelings
and sometimes serious's all sorts of interesting.
I'm just saying and you don't have to watch it but...if you are curious, this is
just my small recommendation to ya. Anyways see ya and stay awesome Sparkomatic1! =D
9 years ago @ Beach City Bugle - Nightly Discussion #1 · 0 replies · +2 points
help from both friends, family, the SUPER AWESOME FOLKS BEHIND SU and more
on giving you the motivation to make this blog! woohoo~
Congrats and it looks like everything is doing okay doki ok!
I've known about Steven Universe ever since Rebecca Sugar and CN announced
it being a new show worked on by her back in January 2013! Knowing about Rebecca Sugar's
amazing work on Adventure Time as i'm a huge fan of the show and loved her songs/episodes she written
on that show (esp. I Remember You, that episode made me shed tears like no other!) and more!
She is amazing and I was happy to learned that she was working on her own show, including being
the very first female showrunner on Cartoon Network! =D
I've seen the pilot (only a short version was uploaded back in June/July 2013 while
full version was upped much later) and really enjoyed it a lot, and since Steven Universe
premiered as well back in November 2013 and been watching that show ever since.
I recall reading a post/comment sometime around the 10th episode that
was released (Frybo) and read that they're big plans for Steven as it was about
him growing up, a coming of age story or some sort and he'll began to learn more
as time goes on. Boy I wasn't completely prepared for what was about to happen
down through late in the show when reaching the half-way point of Season 1 and
then reaching close to the end...and then the finale.
I'm happy to of been following this show since it's premiere to
the Steven Bomb that has happened back in the best month of
my life in 2015, March! (So many amazing animated related things
happen for me, from new shows premiering/I discovered to big episodes like Gravity Falls
and the explosion that was the Steven Bomb!)
It's been oh-so great and I can't wait to see what this Universe
will bring that is Steven Universe, as I did with MLP-FiM
and many other shows too hehe!
Now it's time to prepare, as the next HUGE bombshell is coming
with the uprising return of Steven Bomb #2 coming next week! YEAH!!!
...By the way, I'm a lover of animation which is why
I tend to love looking at all kinds of animated shows
and see where they go, especially if they look promising/great! (Which
I saw with Steven Universe!)
Thanks Calpain and everyone else who's helped made this
site a reality! Keep up the awesome work and never stop being awesome! ^_^
9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Beach City Bugle Launc... · 2 replies · +6 points
themselves who are heavily awesome on Tumblr and all hehe. =)
I'm one myself and a brony too but I know what you're talking about...
Honestly it's not tumblr that's at fault, it's some of the jerky people on there
that are the cause of this...and it's sad that they reacted and supported rather
such awful thoughts about this all toward bronies and the initial announcement of the site.
...Anyways, hi Sparkomatic1! Kind to meet and follow you.
Say, have you seen Steven Universe? I'm just curious is all. =3
If you haven't, I have links to all the episodes in 1080p, 720p and 480p if
you want to download and check them out. ^^
9 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Beach City Bugle Launc... · 0 replies · +2 points
I have all the episodes for ya to download
in 1080p/720p and even 480p if you want! ^-^
It's a great show, full of heart and character
that's just getting more awesome after the Season 1 finale
with all kinds of things happening...yup! =D