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11 years ago @ http://www.kateslibrar... - See you in October. · 0 replies · +1 points

All the best on grad school, Kate! Hope you get back all nicely refreshed...looking forward to your new blog ideas as well! :)

11 years ago @ http://reading-rambo.b... - people might like call... · 1 reply · +1 points

I know EXACTLY what you mean. There was a time I would pick up a book and read it through completely before beginning another. I'm the kind who reads and ponders over every single word. I am a very slow reader because of that. Yet, It never occurred to me, before, to have more than one book going at a time.

And then I got active on the Internet. End of story.

12 years ago @ http://jaynesbooks.blo... - Sunday Salon - Changin... · 1 reply · +1 points

I still prefer taking my physical Bible to church...even when I'm doing my daily devotions at home ( although I do use my ipad often enough at home). I doubt I'll take my ipad to church though...somehow I'm afraid it would be too pretentious. Plus, I find things stick better in my head if I'm marking and making notes in the margins of my physical Bible than if I were highlighting and 'typing' notes into my ereader.

12 years ago @ http://www.kateslibrar... - Dominic John - A Birth... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh! Congratulations of your little one, Kate! He looks adorable! :D

12 years ago @ http://www.lifebetween... - Spread Love, Not Hate ... · 1 reply · +2 points

Oh!...I know about the hair getting frizzy part!....my hair used to look like a virtual bird's nest after I hit puberty!...and even the colour changed so drastically. I used to moan the loss of silky, black, staight hair! My classmates and friends used to have a field day stuffing things in my hair without my knowing it. Lol!

But, you sound like you've had a really bad experience. In our schools here, bullying isn't really common. Actually, no one can get away with it if they do start off, because even students don't tolerate it, and someone is bound to take up a timid person's case and finish the 'bully' off.

Our worst cases of bullying actually happen in colleges. There it's horrible! We have deaths and suicides and rapes in medical colleges and sometimes in engineering colleges. The level of bullying in what we call Arts & Science colleges is pretty low because those authorities take 'ragging' very seriously, suspending or even expelling students if they cross the line into the ragging zone!

12 years ago @ http://www.kateslibrar... - News! · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh, how LOVELY! Congratulations, Kate!...you're in for a treat. Pregnancy is such a beautiful stage! (...and of course all the other stages to come are wonderful too. :D )

12 years ago @ http://www.pageturners... - Some personal reflecti... · 1 reply · +1 points

Sounds like a good way to be. :)

Just last week I posted a similar post -- basically stating that I was forfeiting the dozen challenges I'd signed up for so that I could read whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. My 'goal' is to finish all the unread books on my shelf, which I am quite sure I'll do without the help of challenges. I found that the challenges were restricting me a great deal. One week later, and I'm so glad I did what I did. I'm having such a lovely time just reading what I want, at my own pace too! :D

Oh and as we're talking of babies...to my surprise, I found, in the first two months after my baby was born I had a great deal of spare time on my hands. I read so much! But then again, I had the rest of my family taking care of things for me, so my burden, if there was any, was extremely light. :)

12 years ago @ http://www.kateslibrar... - The Friday Five {Janua... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you so much for the link-up Kate!

The Betty and Boo link was very amusing. :D ....and I glanced through Jillian's post before this. I'm hoping to go back and read it with leisure when I have more time. :)

12 years ago @ http://reading-rambo.b... - A Challenge to Be Met ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I would suggest The Far Pavillions and Shadow of the Moon by M M Kaye. The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough is also a good bet. All these are epic stories along the lines of Gone with the Wind. The first two are set in India round the time of the British Raj. The third is set in Australia from the beginning of to the mid-1900s

12 years ago @ http://www.kateslibrar... - Chunkster Readalong - ... · 0 replies · +1 points