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12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Bird Brains and Atheists · 0 replies · +11 points

All hail the Great Milo Cat!

12 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - Bird Brains and Atheists · 0 replies · +10 points

Wouldn't the pronoun be, It not, he? Without a bible, how would you know a higher power would desire worship? I would assume that it wouldn't have human feelings like jealousy or anger. A force so powerful that it could create galaxies would probably find the thought of our worship a bit silly.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - \"I Hate You...I\'m Go... · 0 replies · +1 points

By the way, the word that was censored was c omers.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - John the Baby’s ... · 0 replies · +10 points

If you believe that Genesis is literal then you believe that your God killed pregnant women and their unborn babies.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - John the Baby’s ... · 0 replies · +6 points

Your answer made no sense, Ray.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - John the Baby’s ... · 1 reply · +7 points

Can you make the connection between the verse that you quoted and abortion? It might seem obvious to you, but it probably isn't to a lot of people.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - John the Baby’s ... · 8 replies · +14 points

People who are really concerned about preventing abortions would be open to providing free birth control and in depth sex education to adolescents. Abstinence education hasn't been shown to stop teenagers from having sex. Common sense would make it apparent that the best way to prevent abortions is to prevent pregnancies. Yet many(Not all) people who are pro life are appalled at the idea of providing condoms to older teens.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - John the Baby’s ... · 2 replies · +8 points

I never considered that before Milocat. How did the fetus, John know that the fetus, Jesus was the Messiah but the adult John didn't recognize the adult Jesus.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - John the Baby’s ... · 4 replies · +10 points

Disciple, Starbuck, do you disagree with some of what Ray has written in the past? He seems to believe that all sins are equal before God.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - John the Baby’s ... · 4 replies · +12 points

Notice how the Bible uses the word "babe" (baby) when it refers to the unborn cousin of Jesus.

The bibles that we use today are translations. Fetus is the correct term and could be used in a modern translation.

Infanticide and abortion were permitted under Roman law, yet there isn't any biblical prohibition against the practice. Paul and Jesus must have known about these practices, yet neither one said anything. Paul spoke against gossip and gluttony but said nothing about abortion. There is no direct biblical statement against abortion