Tris @mygodlesslife

Tris @mygodlesslife


4 comments posted · 4 followers · following 6

11 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Africa: Playground for... · 0 replies · +3 points

Whilst it is certainly unfortunate for the hapless Africans that buy into their shit, it will be interesting to see how the Christians explain the increase in HIV/AIDS and homosexual genocide that their policies will inevitably invoke.
My recent post Defining terrorism @Mashood

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Christian Extremists W... · 0 replies · +3 points

I would love for the Christians to get Islam banned. We could then use the same arguments to have Christianity banned too.
My recent post Even the Republicans refuse to vote Republican

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Zero Tolerance · 0 replies · +8 points

Good points. I have been saying much the same thing myself.

FtB seems to have got itself tied into knots that they now cannot unravel. I have had enough of it, and have just this past few minutes trimmed my Reader list by an estimated 254 posts per week.

That should make me much better positioned to actually consider the genuine free-thought that comes through my Reader without getting bogged down in discussions that are either irrelevant to what I do on-line, or are simply boring 'handbags at dawn' charades.

I suppose I should be thanking them.
My recent post Quick thought on Christian behaviour.

13 years ago @ http://raycomfortfood.... - My Atheist Experience · 6 replies · +7 points

Ray. I have many questions regarding your appearance on the AE TV show, but I shall keep it down to just one here.

I cannot understand why you do not see why it is intellectually dishonest to judge others' faiths by your own scripture, but do not think it of equal merit for a Muslim to do the same with his own scripture. Surely you don't think or believe that Muslims think any less of the Qur'an than you do of The Holy Bible?