Mr SoBo

Mr SoBo


152 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - Pedicures, Happy Endin... · 0 replies · +9 points

Tis true right here. The reason why this is seldom discussed is that there are many folks who refuse to take an honest look at this dynamic, being quite happy with the existence of the benefits afforded to one party by these standards. Equality is a myth and is not what is being sought. To acknowledge would reveal the hypocrisy.

Mr. SoBo

My recent post If You Wanna Cuddle, Go Find A Teddy Bear: Why Jump Offs Forget Their Role

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - Pedicures, Happy Endin... · 6 replies · +3 points

John's also pay to 'enjoy the company of a woman'. No shade, just saying. So long as you're coming out of pocket for a woman you barely know to escort you to dinner/movies/play/park, etc., you are engaged in a transaction. Now unless she is piss poor and you're reaching out a charitable helping hand out of the pure humanitarian goodness of your heart, your intentions behind paying are irrelevant; considering she is there to enjoy your company as much as you are hers.

Again, no shade. It just is what it is.

My recent post Yay or Nay: Should A Man’s Salty Past Drive A Woman Away?

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - Pedicures, Happy Endin... · 1 reply · +2 points

"The only people I ever really hear deny paying for sex are men that usually can’t afford top notch women or claim that they like the chase"

If a man is paying for sex in 2014, he one of two things:
1) Hopeless
2) Or lazy as hell.

Chase? Its 2014. Women have long traded in their flats for 4 inch heels. They ain't running. So if a man is still out here chasin', he's clearly determined to catch his own shadow.

"Obtaining sex is already easy, but making sex even easier, convenient, and getting it from a experienced source- you won’t hear me object to that".

1) Experience does not equate to good.
2) Exactly how much more easier does it have to be than it is right now?
These are the vagina times. Our women have proudly taken charge of their sexuality (many measuring their independence by what they do with the honey pot), and thus have changed the dating landscape. More than enough of them (not all) are out here literally making it rain. Yes, even the highly attractive ones as well. Why? Confidence is a currency all women accept.

Not only is sex easier to obtain, it is practically same day/overnight/two day delivery. In other words, you'll likely spend more time waiting in line at the DMV than you would waiting to sleep with someone you just met. **Meaning when you consider the time you actively interact with this person(via phone & in person) prior to sleeping with him/her and not the amount of days that pass in between that time, you will realize how little of your own time you have invested in such an endeavor.

Reaching into your pockets for dates or illegal solicitation? Such an unnecessary expenditure that is. Yoda. There is absolutely NO need, unless one's sense of manhood stubbornly rests on adhering to dating rituals of yesteryear, or he has a fetish for the dangers and/or monetary transaction of soliciting sex from strangers.

Whatever the case is, to each his own. No condemnation here. Some men enjoy the dating experience, and enjoy paying for those experiences (People still date though??). However, unless there is some fetish involved, it is quite perplexing why a man in THESE TIMES would feel the need to tap his wallets in order to tap that a$$.

Mr. SoBo

My recent post If You Wanna Cuddle, Go Find A Teddy Bear: Why Jump Offs Forget Their Role

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - Is Cheating a Sign of ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Totally agreed. It isn't a 'weakness'. One may become 'weak' with temptation, but it isn't a weakness per say. It is a conscious deliberate set of choices followed by conscious deliberate actions. I wouldn't even call cheating a mistake. A mistake implies there are unintended and unforeseen results/consequences to a course of action. We all know what the outcome is to cheating, we just hope to avoid the unfavorable outcome.

Cheating is a purely selfish act. More accurately, cheating is a series of purely selfish choices and actions with the ultimate destination being the bedroom. There is no mistaking that.

Mr. SoBo

Recent Post: Should A Woman's Salty Past Be A Deal Breaker?

My recent post Yay or Nay: Should A Man’s Salty Past Drive A Woman Away?

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - Is Cheating a Sign of ... · 0 replies · +7 points

Well put. Very well said.

However, cheating goes beyond just the physical contact. It begins the very moment the individual makes his/herself available to another albeit, mentally, emotionally, conversationally, etc. The actual sex is the very last phase of that cheating process.

The infidelity began the instant the person was receptive to the amorous advancements of the other.

Mr. SoBo

Should A Woman's Salty Past Be A Deal Breaker?

My recent post Yay or Nay: Should A Man’s Salty Past Drive A Woman Away?

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - Can You Be Satisfied F... · 0 replies · +3 points

Well said sir.

Men are not having consistent, ongoing, casual sex with themselves. Clearly there are many, MANY women who have no qualms about engaging in such relations and repeatedly. Considering that the following phrases, "I'm just doin' me right now", "I'm just enjoying life", or "I'm just having fun right now", are phrases common among those women goes to show their conscious acceptance of such relations. Perhaps there is a sense of independence from 'taking control of their sexuality'. I do not know.

At the end of the day, there is no mistaken these types of women enjoy it just as much as men...that is until they(women) begin to feel realize they are being used. At which point they will either demand a committed relationship or curtail the arrangement altogether. And in many cases will usually rinse, wash and repeat the entire process with the next guy.

Mr. SoBo

Post: Should A Woman's Salty Past Be A Deal Breaker

My recent post Yay or Nay: Should A Man’s Salty Past Drive A Woman Away?

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - What's Up With Guys Wo... · 0 replies · +1 points

It would appear that men tend to be able to accept their own flaws and shortcomings much easier than women. The same with infidelity. Typically a cheating man - when caught - will acknowledge he was driven by his own temptation more or less. Women on the other hand who step out on their man by and large will place the blame on their man for why they did it... to the tune of,"You don't pay me enough attention. You're never home. You're mean to me." etc, etc.
Generally speaking of course.

Its easier to avoid taking personal responsibility it seems. A strange approach to life to say the least.

Mr. SoBo

My Post: Should A Woman's Salty Past Be A Deal Breaker?

My recent post Yay or Nay: Should A Man’s Salty Past Drive A Woman Away?

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - What's Up With Guys Wo... · 0 replies · +2 points

Unfortunately, one cannot erase life experiences. To do so is a feeble attempt at avoiding responsibility for one's actions/choices. Part of life is making poor decisions. That is how we evolve individually. Without those poor choices, how would we learn? Even if its an obvious stupid choice. Thats life. Accept it for what it is, the good, the ugly and the stupid.

Bottom line:
If the head goes in, you must count him.

End of discussion.

Mr. SoBo

My recent post Should A Woman’s Salty Past Be A Deal Breaker?

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - What's Up With Guys Wo... · 0 replies · +2 points

I dig this. Its an honest look at oneself and an acceptance of oneself without excuses. Very refreshing to say the least.

Mr. SoBo

Post: Should A Woman's Past Be A Deal Breaker?

My recent post Yay or Nay: Should A Man’s Salty Past Drive A Woman Away?

10 years ago @ Single Black Male - Why Men Hate Dates: Th... · 0 replies · +6 points

I find it rather interesting that in this day and age there are still many men who still suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune of what I consider to be common sense approaches to dating. If one is still concerned about being 'taken advantage of' in 2014 while dating, then clearly he is one who has not planted a firm foot down in reality and more importantly taken a firm stance in it so that he will not have such non-concerns concerns.

At the same time, I understand everyone has their time to learn. Still though, for the fathers out there, hopefully you abandon the fairy tale ritual teachings and provide your son's some real life common sense dating advice.

No brainer tip #1
Have confidence and be unapologetic about your line of questioning.
No brainer tip #2
For the first date, do NOT seek out entertainment (i.e movies, play, lounge, etc). Instead do something free or inexpensive that allows you to converse and get to know one another. A cup of coffee, bowl of ice cream or a walk through the park with a fairly inexpensive meal along the way. Your objective is to identify if there is a mutual interest, declare your intentions as well identify what her intentions are (assuming you didn't spend any time at all before hand on the telephone sorting this out).

Its not rocket science. Its 2014 gents. Stop tip toeing around women.

Mr. SoBo

Post Worth Reading: Love Conundrum: Is It REALLY Unconditional?
My recent post Should A Woman’s Salty Past Be A Deal Breaker?