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9 months ago @ http://www.information... - The West’s bluep... · 1 reply · +3 points

If possible get your kids, grandkids, etc out of the country else they'll end up fighting and dieing for Victoria Nuland and her ilk.

9 months ago @ http://www.information... - The West’s bluep... · 1 reply · +15 points

Bottom line is that the axis of evil can be described as the US, Israel, and the UK. This axis can also be described as white supremacists who have always had genocidal tendencies (to say the least) towards others not to mention numerous other crimes against humanity. The US in Ukraine is now trying hard to maintain the axis of evil by defeating Russian in Ukraine and badly losing.

9 months ago @ http://www.information... - Ukraine counteroffensi... · 0 replies · +2 points

Did Putin tell you these things or are you just making up stuff?

10 months ago @ http://www.information... -  Tucker Carlson-L... · 0 replies · +1 points

Very true, who cares. Let's talk about things that matter.

9 months ago @ http://www.information... - If Everyone Understood... · 0 replies · +15 points

Following the Victoria Nuland coup upon the legitimate Ukraine government, the Ukraine military began killing ethnic Russians. This was followed by a visit from John McCain and Lindsey Graham in 2016 who told the Ukrainians that the US would back up the Ukrainians with weapons etc if they'd fight the Russians. In the interim Russia sighed two different peace agreements with Ukraine and both were torn up by the US.

9 months ago @ http://www.information... -  Tucker Carlson-L... · 0 replies · +1 points

Please show me the pictures of that event. Looks a lot like the UFOs that nobody has clear pictures of the UFO. With modern cameras please show me proof of get out of my face.

9 months ago @ http://www.information... - If Everyone Understood... · 3 replies · +16 points

The really sad and dangerous thing about the current Zionist/US war is that if Russia feels threatened by the US then it's by, by to all of us because Russia has already explained the facts of life to the US. The problem is that someone needs to explain it to the people who are running the show like Victoria Nuland and her ilk.

9 months ago @ http://www.information... - Ukraine counteroffensi... · 0 replies · +11 points

Agree totally with your assessment. Secondly the Ukraine fighters must have shallow brains to fight for Victoria Nuland and her ilk, there's nothing in for them, not ever. As a US citizen I wouldn't fight for the Victoria Nuland gang nor should anyone.

9 months ago @ http://www.information... - Israel\'s Humiliating ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Israel/Zionism is a stumbling block for all of us. Kennedy has already capitulated to them because its his only choice or chance.

10 months ago @ http://www.information... - Israel\'s Humiliating ... · 1 reply · +3 points

Judaism as far as I've seen is nothing more than a Mafia oriented towards world rule.