Gary P

Gary P


84 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Sarah Palin Endorses A... · 0 replies · -10 points

BTW dumb-ass Gabby Giffords was shot by a DEMOCRAT: Jarred Lee Laughner. Laughner had stalked Congresswoman Giffords since 2007 BEFORE the Tea Party was created or anyone but the most politically astute had ever heard of Sarah Palin! [outside of Alaska]

DEMOCRAT Jarred Lee Laughner stalked Giffords and tried to kill her because she was a "blue dog" and not the typical, viciously Anti-American democrat. Laughner was spurred on by attacks on Giffords from democrat party hate sites like the Daily KOS. Marcos Maulitsas, KOS publisher, called Giffords "a traitor" and put a bull's-eye, and ACTUAL bull's-eye on her on his website.

Placing the blame on Governor Palin, and the Tea Party, for something done by a DEMOCRAT, is NOTHING SHORT OF BLOOD LIBEL.

You democrats are evil, and you breed evil. You wallow in hate and ignorance 24/7, and create monsters like Jarred Lee Laughner!

10 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Sarah Palin Endorses A... · 1 reply · -8 points

A democrat shouldn't talk about morals. It makes you look stupid and hypocritical.

10 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Sarah Palin Endorses A... · 1 reply · -11 points

Nothing Ted Nugent said was incorrect. Barack Obama's parents were BOTH America hating COMMUNISTS, as were his white grandparents. Obama's grandfather actually worked for the Soviets against America. This is DOCUMENTED. And his grandfather had Frank Marshall Davis, a vicious anti-American COMMUNIST, mentor little Barry when he was a kid. Davis was so radical and anti-American he was kicked out of the NAACP in Chicago!
You idiots keep telling yourself Governor Palin is "irrelevant" f that helps you sleep at night!

Fact is, since 2008 her endorsement of candidates has been the ONLY one that's mattered. She's endorsed well over 100 candidates and 90% of them have won their elections. Mean while Barack Obama is political poison, with democrat candidates telling him to stay as far away from them as possible!

As for Wendy Davis, she is nothing but a pathetic publicity stunt that has gone on too long! She has a better chance of the Catholic Church making her their next Pope, as ever holding elected office in Texas again. There's a reason why this lying gold-digger didn't even bother to run for re-election to the Senate.

Texas hasn't elected a democrat to statewide office in over 20 years. Which is WHY Texas has become the most powerful state in the Union, number 2 economy, and about to be number 1. Texas was once run by racist, anti-American democrats. It was a horrific life. Texans will NEVER make that mistake again.

At this point Wendy Davis is nothing but an audition for NBC's democrat party hate site, MSNBC.

Meanwhile, Governor Palin will be making powerful endorsements all over the nation, as she did in 2010 and 2012, and elect even MORE real deal Conservative leaders.

BTW, out of 3 endorsements so far, one is a black man, the other a black woman, and of course, the third is our next Governor, Greg Abbott.

Mean while the party of the KKK [the democrat party] is floundering and on the verge of collapse, thanks to Obama and his radical anti-American policies.

10 years ago @ Jen Kuznicki - RedState misstates Pal... · 0 replies · +3 points

Candy Crowley is the better looking of the two!

10 years ago @ Jen Kuznicki - RedState misstates Pal... · 0 replies · +6 points

Loren, if List is indeed a Palin fan, why did he pick that demeaning photo? [and NO legit photo of Palin shows cleavage, BTW] Oh, and for someone who supposedly likes Palin, he sure did write a hate filled, lie filled piece on her. With friends like List, who the hell needs enemies!

Also, what the hell are you doing hanging out at RedState in the first place. It's a horrible place filled with horrible people.

Erick Erickson is a spineless hack who openly hates women. He, along with Tucker Carlson, has called Governor Palin a "MILF" not exactly what a decent man would call a mother of five, and the former Governor, Vice Presidential candidate, and possibly our next President.

10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Re: The Reckless Rheto... · 0 replies · +6 points

Max you moron, what part don't you and Peter not understand about the fact these "rebels" you want to arm have sworn their allegiance to AL QAEDA? Sarah Palin is right, as always. There are no good guys in this fight. BOTH sides are sworn enemies of the United States, and there is absolutely ZERO reason to waste an ounce of blood and treasure on them.

BTW, with Russia backing the other side, this could get dangerous real fist. Don't you morons understand this kind of thing is how WORLD WARS are started? And Obama, John McCain, Marco Rubio, and you guys are absolutely stupid enough to start WWIII!

10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - The Reckless Rhetoric ... · 0 replies · +9 points

Sarah Palin was Alaska's best Mayor, and America's best Governor. She fought massive corruption within the Republican Party [the FBI was involved] and whipped Big Oil's ass on multiple occasions.

If anyone is an irresponsible idiot, it's you and your kind.

10 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - The Reckless Rhetoric ... · 0 replies · +6 points

Oh, they DID try to knife Reagan in the back! They just lost!!

11 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Foreign Policy Expert ... · 0 replies · -3 points

<div id="idc-comment-msg-div-471073488" class="idc-message"><a class="idc-close" title="Click to Close Message" href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(471073488)"><span>Close Message</span> Comment posted. <p class="idc-nomargin"><a class="idc-share-facebook" target="_new" href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><span class="idc-share-inner"><span>Share on Facebook</span></span> or <a href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(471073488)">Close MessageWow I expected this article to be a Palin bashing deal, but the author got it 100% right! Well, except for the fact she also has written two New York Times #1 best sellers, her 1st, Going Rogue, breaking sales records on the way to #1.

I bet he thought he was being sarcastic with the headline, but while maybe not an "expert" Palin has solid foreign policy experience and a better focus on things than either Romney or Obama. People underestimate her at their own peril.

Low information voters [and lazy people] don't realize the unique position the Governor of Alaska holds when it comes to national security. Sarah Palin was Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard, the only Guard in the nation on permanent deployment. Governor Palin shared strategic command over the 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard, our first line of defense should Russia, North Korea, China, or any other eastern force attack.

The 176th Air Control Squadron of the Alaska Guard routinely escorted Russian "Bear" bombers out of Alaskan air space while Palin was Governor. On her watch the 176th earned the Air Force's Outstanding Unit Award.

Palin was also Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska State Defense Force. A recognized militia that is part of Homeland Security's national security planning. These are decedents from the people who, during WWII, fought the Japanese when they invaded the Alaska territories.

It just so happens Obama in September of 2009 decided to stop paying those WWII heroes their hard earned pensions. It was Obama's typical street thug behavior. There's only a handful of these brave Alaskan's left, but Obama wanted to piss Palin off, and he did. After pushing legislation through that would have the state make sure these heroes never missed a paycheck, Palin went to war with Obama and had their pensions restored. Sarah Palin has been beating on Obama since day one.

As Governor, Palin also had troops in Kuwait [who she visited in 2007] and Kosovo [she went there in 2009]. During the 2009 trip she also participated in "Operation Northern Edge" an annual training exercise off the coast of Alaska. She was aboard the air craft carrier U.S.S. Stennis.

Governor Palin received regular high level national security briefings, as do all Alaska Governors.

Romney decided to ease off on Obama after he whipped him like a rented mule in the last debate. That was a HUGE mistake and Obama, with the assistance of the moderator [yet again], was able to spew lie after lie after lie.

I wish Romney would have told the moderator to but out, and stayed on Obama's tail. I'm also highly disappointed Romney didn't talk about Fast and Furious. That's another on a long list of Obama Failures™.

Obama facilitated mass murder in Mexico. Over 300 innocent Mexicans have been slaughtered by the automatic weapons Obama and Holder put in the hands of drug lords. Brian Terry and Jamie Zapata, two border agents, were also slaughtered by Obama's guns. Both Obama and Holder belong in prison for the rest of their natural lives over this.

It's also likely weapons Obama shipped to Libya killed Ambassador Stevens and the three other brave men in Benghazi.

Romney gave a poor debate performance. Obama has given a worse performance as President.

11 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Liberal Surprise: Ryan... · 0 replies · +2 points

The only reason Sarah Palin was "Palinized" was because clowns like you, Tobin, and the rest of the GOP Establishment losers stood by and allowed it to happen.

I like Paul Ryan, but he is no Sarah Palin. Not in skill, not in Accomplishments.

Palin has a great back story too. Grew up in a log cabin, literally, in the Alaska wilderness. Chopped wood daily for heat.

Paid her own way through school, has a degree in journalism and communications.

As Mayor of Wasilla took a dirt road village and turned it into the fastest growing city in the state. Built roads and infrastructure while at the same time lowering taxes. Palin created a business friendly city that is the trading hub for the entire Mat-Su Valley, an area roughly the size of the state of Delaware. The current Mayor credits Palin for the almost 50,000 people a day who shop there.

As the state's top oil and gas regulator Palin took on corruption in government, and in the relationship between government and Big Oil. It was from that powerful position that she uncovered massive corruption within the Republican Party.

When she was done, the state GOP chair and the Attorney General were finished. Then she took down the sitting Republican Governor in a landslide.

Palin was the most popular governor in the country with approval ratings in the 90s. She was the most fiscally responsible Governor in the country, slashing wasteful spending, while still improving the state.

She took on Big Oil and reformed the corrupt relationship between lawmakers and oil executives. She changed the way Big Oil would purchase crude oil from the Alaskan people, who by constitutional writ, own all of the oil and gas under the ground. Corrupt politicians taking payoffs had allowed Big Oil to screw Alaska out of billions of dollars.

She also created the largest infrastructure project in North American history, something others had tried to do for 30 years. It took her two.

Again, had you worthless Republican hacks stood with Governor Palin, instead of joining in with the liberal filth that attacked her, we wouldn't have the word "palinized" to throw around.

Establishment Republicans are part of the problem, not the solution.

Paul Ryan is a good guy, but he's got a long way to go before he's worthy of comparison to Sarah Palin.