Kaye Fissinger

Kaye Fissinger


369 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Daily Camera.com: - Compromise for frackin... · 0 replies · +4 points

"Voters in Boulder, Lafayette, Broomfield, Fort Collins and Loveland."

correction: Longmont passed a charter amendment ban in 2012. Loveland is holding a special election on June 24 for a 2-year moratorium.

11 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Erie says goodbye to \... · 0 replies · -4 points

Look beneath the surface of what is said by city officials. They often camouflage what's really behind a decision and pick the most broadly accepted explanation. Certain members of Longmont's City Council are notorious in this regard. No one should accept that Erie's action was "out of the blue." Hostility to Boulder County is nothing new. More recent ideological drifts to the hard right suggest behind the scenes joint efforts to reduce Boulder County influence.

Erie, Lafayette, Longmont residents especiallly, look deeper. Demand an early council agenda item. Make information requests of your city staffs. Do Open Records Requests of council member emails. And expect that developers of all varieties have already had private input into this issue.

11 years ago @ Daily Camera.com: - Broomfield residents u... · 1 reply · -1 points

You have used this precise language in commenting on other articles, and not just articles for this newspaper. You may not have a (financial) interest in Frack Nation, but there's no doubt you have many interests in perpetuating toxic fossil fuel extraction and dirty energy.

11 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Gov. Hickenlooper back... · 0 replies · +1 points

"A review by The Denver Post of enterprise-zone tax credits given from 2004 through 2010 showed that 21 companies sought tax credits of more than $1 million in a given year on 44 occasions. All but three of the companies were in the business of refining, transporting, drilling or mining oil, gas or coal, The Post's review found.",,,

"The legislation includes a provision that allows an appeal for large projects to the state's economic-development commission seeking a waiver of the $1 million cap on enterprise-zone tax credits that a company can claim annually."

A loophole wide enough to drive a horizontal frack through. Show some real courage and exclude oil and gas from ALL tax breaks/credits. They don't need them; they greed them.

11 years ago @ Daily Camera.com: - Colo. bill would link ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Cynical ploy. Scott hopes that cash-strapped students and parents will jump at anything that seems to offer relief. Send to the kill committee on arrival.

11 years ago @ Daily Camera.com: - Virtual Editorial Boar... · 1 reply · -4 points

Moratorium on new oil and gas drilling permits pending a comprehensive health impact assessment by an independent entity.

11 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Federal judge dismisse... · 0 replies · +1 points

On July 10, 2008, Philip A. Brimmer was nominated by President George W. Bush to a seat on the United States District Court for the District of Colorado vacated by Lewis T. Babcock. Brimmer was confirmed by the United States Senate on September 26, 2008, and received his commission on October 14, 2008.

11 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Boulder County to star... · 1 reply · +1 points

And your point, Dan? Are you suggesting than those who maintain a permanent residence in Boulder County, but who are stationed overseas in the military or work overseas in the private sector should not be allowed to vote at home?

11 years ago @ Daily Camera.com: - Longmont anti-fracking... · 0 replies · 0 points

Actually, it's not juice. It's Kool-Aid.

11 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Humorist Phyllis Dille... · 0 replies · +1 points

Even heaven needs a reason to laugh.