


35 comments posted · 56 followers · following 9

16 years ago @ Ask The Admin | Free T... - Can I convert a word d... · 1 reply · +2 points

Hi AskTheAdmin, nice blog. :)

There are loads of tools out there for file conversion such as and

16 years ago @ Culture for All - Will Hillary Defeat Ob... · 0 replies · +1 points

Maybe you are right, but maybe not... unless you have the ability to tell the future. I disagree with you - especially about Obama being "solud, and very impressive"... and that he is "what America needs". Obama stands for empty and undefined "change" - which includes a suicidal foreign policy. Both democratic candidates this year are disasters on legs.

16 years ago @ Culture for All - Question of Legitimacy... · 0 replies · +1 points

Just because we are not Muslim doesn't mean that the problems are not ours too - its happening in our country so we have to take on some responsibility for the problems.

What do you think can/should be done about hate-Mosques?

16 years ago @ the constant skeptic - Quote of the Day on Wh... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think we should all be skeptics when it comes to important issues.

16 years ago @ the constant skeptic - Video of the Day: Rush... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nice one!

16 years ago @ Culture for All - Reuters moved to white... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for visiting! :)

16 years ago @ Culture for All - Reuters moved to white... · 0 replies · +1 points

I just added that blog to our feed reader (on the right). :)

16 years ago @ Culture for All - Question of Legitimacy... · 0 replies · +1 points

I see what you mean... its just the assued guilt I am concerned about.

16 years ago @ Culture for All - Ch-Ch-changes! · 0 replies · +2 points

I stand... for CHANGE! :-)

16 years ago @ Culture for All - Opposing Sharia law · 0 replies · +2 points

From the link:

The Archbishop of Canterbury drew criticism from across the political spectrum last night after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some aspects of it seemed "unavoidable".

--End Quote--

The phrase "inevitable" was the headline, but not a direct quote from the archbishop. For me the problem lies with the fact he said that he did not condemn Sharia law in his speech either, and he said it is unavoidable (aka. no point fighting against it).