


44 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Your Constantly Update... · 0 replies · +10 points

'No Shit Clichebot 5000,Mike Allen'
hahaha thank you for that

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Your Boyfriend Barack ... · 0 replies · +10 points

ooh yes barry can long slow me anytime
and deep. his voice i mean

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Your Boyfriend Barack ... · 0 replies · +10 points

the POTUS with the MOTUS is MINE

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Sara Benincasa Fights ... · 0 replies · +6 points

yes we are so glad there are funny feminazis like you because we didn't have any back in the day-& you're the best! We miss you, & put your book link up.
Since can't make it tonite,will make a donation to PP.
Oh & congrats on the wedding plans!

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Cocky Elizabeth Warren... · 0 replies · +7 points

can't wait for the debates!
Scotty will not do well against Liz,he's a dope

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Obama Re-Reminds Natio... · 0 replies · +7 points

just put on the clip of him singing Al Green
talks low but he can sing so sweet & high
i'm in love with him

12 years ago @ Wonkette - What Will Be On/In New... · 0 replies · +7 points

'forehead blackening protocol not recognized rebooting'
thnak you so much for that

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Virginia Mandates ‘U... · 2 replies · +11 points

I had one of those transvaginal ultasounds and let me tell you about the invasiveness of that huge robotic pecker. VERY UNPLEASANT
ugh. I'd like to stick that thing of these guys rear end except they'd probably like it

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Let's Point And Laugh ... · 0 replies · +24 points

Pointing & Laughing at mitt romney is one of our favorite pastimes here in massachusetts.
HAHA lookit the phoney baloney shitty EX governor try to be president.!

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Michelle Obama Announc... · 0 replies · +8 points

Our Flotus is Fabulous!
She looks great in that video, I simply adore her.Thanks for posting my favorite wonket column Blair.