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13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Kyron’s mom want... · 1 reply · -1 points

You're sick and disgusting, we don't give a ____ about that.

13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Kyron’s mom want... · 0 replies · +3 points

I agree, once Terri is out of her comfort zone, I think she will start talking, thought, it may take quite a bit to get her out of that comfort zone.

15 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Police fume over man\'... · 2 replies · +6 points

I'm assuming that if he did tell his employer that he was taking time off to go fishing, that they may not be obligated to inform his wife of this for privacy issues. Whatever the case, he sure better have enjoyed the fishing trip, because I dont think anyone will be letting him soon forget it.

15 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Giftless to a wedding?... · 0 replies · +5 points

IMHO, traditionally a wedding gift was given to those who were starting a home together, and needed certain essentials such as the proverbial toaster. In todays society, it seems that most couples getting married have already settled into an apartment together or have purchased a home together, and likely have all of the essentials such as microwaves and toasters. A couple does NOT need crystal stemware or sterling silver flatware. If someone feels so inclined, then I think it is acceptable to give a gift, but I don't believe in expecting a gift simply because you are marrying.

15 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Springfield weighing h... · 0 replies · +1 points

Budget cuts?

15 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Police ID body found i... · 0 replies · +3 points

I think every person on here is aware that his family and friends are grieving, however, Armand did this to himself. Armand is the only person to hold responsible for the grief that you and those who loved him are going through. While I understand your anger, and the hurt you are feeling, it is being misdirected. The only person to be angry at is Armand.

15 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Judge: Jury will see p... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree, God answers prayers, but sometimes in ways that we aren't expecting.

15 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Judge: Jury will see p... · 0 replies · +3 points

Since I refuse to call these two adults parents, because clearly they don't deserve the title, I will use the term "biological people producers". So these biological people producers or "BPP's" apparently believe that all of the prayer in the world will save their child and if not then it's God's will? Wow! So God didn't bless the world with the knowledge of how to create vaccines? You know, all that medicine stuff must be the work of the devil in the minds of these two BPP's! People like these make me sick, and the thought that they are actually reproducing makes me wonder how many other children have had to suffer, and will continue to suffer at the hands of the people who should be protecting them the most. These child byproducts of this cult need someone to stand up for THEIR rights and to protect them from this dangerous cult.

15 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Judge: Jury will see p... · 0 replies · +3 points
