


54 comments posted · 22 followers · following 2

13 years ago @ Pushing Social - 10 Subtle Lies That Cr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Excellent post, Stanford! These are all great points, but the one that really hits home for me is the myth that it's all about the content and not about the writer. I agree that when I read someone's blog, the content draws me in, but the person is what keeps me coming back.

The thing a lot of bloggers need to remember is to keep engaging followers and continue being human. Maybe Seth Godin can get away with encapsulating himself, but his fandom was created outside social media. The rest of us don't get a pass.


13 years ago @ Media Bullseye - A New... - What’s Next: After S... · 0 replies · +2 points

Wayne, this is the best post on the evolution of social media I've seen so far. Fantastic! You've really captured what the marketing community needs to get a grasp on, and fast.

13 years ago @ Pushing Social - 7 Ways You Can Cheat t... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Stanford! Great post as always. Glad you asked the question! Yes, I'm definitely blogging about my passion. There's nothing more rewarding than helping a person or a company find clarity, purpose, and redirect their energies and focus to achieve business success. I'm passionate about helping them embrace the discoveries and turn them into action, and grow. Business to me is the perfect combination of science and art. And now that technology (one of my other passions) is driving brands, I'm in heaven!

My recent post Should Social Media Voice Change During a Brand Crisis

13 years ago @ Pushing Social - Why Most Bloggers are ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Another great post, Stanford! Thanks for providing a new perspective on being a blogger. I especially liked the "entertainer" part. Great advice!
My recent post Old Spice Inspires New Trust Between Agencies &amp Brands

13 years ago @ Social Media Monitorin... - 5 Ways Engagement is M... · 1 reply · +1 points

This is a terrific post, Teresa. There are so many companies getting into social media right now, and a lot of them haven't had the time to slow down and focus on HOW their contact with consumers will translate into something valuable.

That's where engagement comes in. It's critical to executing pretty much any strategy in social media. I love how you've explained engagement and emphasized how important it is. This is a great post that will no doubt benefit a lot of people who are "engaging" in social media, but not truly engaging.

14 years ago @ Pushing Social - Why Smart Readers Pref... · 1 reply · +1 points

Stanford, you already know how much I enjoy your insight. This post was another home-run. Excellent tips! I'm with you... I always enjoy posts that share a story and have a conversational tone. I wish more bloggers shared something from the heart in addition to just what's in their head. Thanks again for the informative post!
My recent post TEDWomen- Brilliant or Belittling

14 years ago @ Pushing Social - How To Get Inside Your... · 0 replies · +1 points

Stanford, your posts always blow me away! This one is full of great reminders every blogger needs to keep at top of mind. Keep up the great work!
My recent post The BrandForward Top 10 Podcast- Week of July 12th- 2010

14 years ago @ Pushing Social - Lady Gaga’s 8-Point ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Phenomenal post, Stanford. You're so good at capturing what really matters and communicating it with passion and focus. Keep "crushing it!"
My recent post The BrandForward Top 10 Podcast- Week of 28- 2010

14 years ago @ Media Bullseye - A New... - The Age Of Influence · 0 replies · +2 points

Yes simple, but of course for companies and organizations that aren't operating from a foundation of "doing the right thing" it's not so easy. That's one of the reasons social media and open communication are so amazing. All of these companies that for years have been living on spin are now being forced by their customers to quickly connect image with actions, to actually BE a good company and put customer interests in front of cutting corners, or sweeping problems and shortcomings under a rug.

It's so exciting to see companies having to BE their brand, something I've been persuading clients to embrace long before customers were in a position to force the issue!

14 years ago @ Media Bullseye - A New... - The Age Of Influence · 0 replies · +2 points

Interesting post, Wayne! I always enjoy reading your thoughts. It really is the Age of Influence... as opposed to the Age of Persuasion. Every product and brand should be in high revamp mode to convert their "persuasion systems" into processes that favor and encourage influence. Hopefully most will realize it's as simple as producing a quality product or providing a quality service, being responsible in its production, and treating the people who buy it with respect and appreciation (and understanding what they want and how they want to engage with it). In the Age of Influence, companies that do those things will be the ones on top and growing their "influencer base" exponentially.