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14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - South the h... · 0 replies · +1 points

South Park is a satirical TV show. Everything brought up in the episodes are meant to joke about current issues that we are facing. They pretty much say what most people are thinking in a way that we can laugh about how stupid we are at times. People need to stop taking things so seriously. Everyone likes to laugh at a joke until the joke is on them. People need to loosen up and stop taking things so seriously. Like its on TV its meant to entertain people and if you don't find it entertaining change the channel and watch something that makes you feel better about yourself. There is no reason for anyone to be getting all upset over a TV show. I swear people take things so seriously nowadays. Lets all get over ourselves and live life to the fullest. So what if things on South Park upset you, get over it . Don't let it dictate how you go about your business. You can look at it as another hater that you have to prove wrong. At the end of the day as long as you can rest your head to know that you are living your life and not for anyone, than you have nothing to worry about or be upset about.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - What about health care? · 0 replies · +1 points

All people should be entitled to receive proper health care. A hospital has no right to deny anyone service because they are an immigrant. Just because an individual is an immigrant does not eliminated from the human race. Yes they are still homo sapiens just like the rest of the population and should be given equal opportunity to get medical assistance. Who are we to let another person of the human race to suffer from illness just because they they not begin their lives in this country? That is ridiculous. Who is it hurting for them to receive health care? Sure there are some tax dollars but for the amount of labor they do, at least they deserve it. Even if they were not hardworking, they still should get granted health care because it should be another humans decision on whether another human should live or die. That is basically the point. And its funny because if we go over to other countries and get sick we would expect to be treated immediately. Right? Do unto others as you want done to you!

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - What about people who ... · 0 replies · +1 points

America is a land of opportunities. Folks who are born here have more of a chance to actually attain and use these opportunities that this great country provides. I feel like if a immigrant comes to this country and achieves better and more distinguished lifestyles, why should people hate on them. They came in this country not knowing that much and rose to the top with the resources that anyone birthed here was given once they came out of their mother's womb. I think a reward should be given where it is due no matter where the person came from. As long as they didn't come to your house and stole your things than nobody has the right to accuse immigrants of stealing or taking any benefits from them. These people come willing to work to make their lives better than the ones that they had in their countries of origin. I don't see the problem. They are not working in these high fortune 500 companies but doing manual labor and dirty jobs that most classify themselves as being too good for. So why now that when they start making means for themselves and the pay that these jobs that most don't want to get involved are giving them the opportunity to succeed people have to hate and say they don't deserve it. Who are we to say that they don’t? In my eyes they worked and so they must be rewarded. Why hate let them be free. If they are content with living life with an under the table job than let them be. I swear people always have something to complain about. Stop worrying about these immigrants and what they are doing. Worry about yourselves and how you can better your life. The time spent complaining could be used for something else. These immigrants are not worry about us; they are just trying to get an opportunity to live since they were not allowed to in their country. Give them a break. Let’s say they decide to leave, who will be able to do the small jobs that they do. Will this country be able to function? They work harder than most of us for a simple life yet we still find something to complain or be unhappy about. Let them live and be free. If you want a job and feel that they stole it from you then that means you need to step your credentials and game up. You was not qualified, the employer thought they could do a better job than you. It’s a race and you lost. Take the failure and try to make yourself better than to sit there and try to have them deported because they are interfering with your life. As a matter of a fact, we are all immigrants if you think about it. Legal or illegal, if they work hard for what they got, stay out their business and worry about your own. Also if you know yo will not be able to put in the amount of hours and labor these people put in for the small amounts of pay they receive, shut up and get over yourself. Work is Work.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - The tyranny of radical... · 0 replies · +1 points

Its a shame what has happened to the Muslim society as a whole at cause to radical Muslims. Nowadays, when the word Muslim is mentioned people automatically or sometimes thinks of terrorism and bombs. Its crazy walking through an airport and when people see Muslims, dudes especially, they do the sign of the cross of say some prayer. I think it is uncalled for. Sure most bombings were done by people of Muslim background but that doesn't mean everyone is a bomber or terrorist. Its just stereotypes that we collect and movies don't make things any better. No all Muslims are bad and not all at good. There will always be a sour apple in any group. We just need to take that and stop treating the good ones with disrespect. The only problem in that we don't know how to sort the good one from the bad.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Creating Terrorists · 0 replies · +1 points

I always thought of "suicide bombers" as people who did not value the beauty of life but after watching the video I have no reason to judge. I am not on that side of the world and do not no the hardships that they face that they might want to relieve the pain that they are going through by partaking in such activity. I mean the women felt like her husband did not deserve to die and he was probably a huge part of her life. That was her future. They were going to have kids and such and now that opportunity was denied because he died. I'm not saying that her decision is correct but the her it is the most logical thing she could have done. She can kill 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, people for the sake of one at her own expense and she is fine with that. That's like the ultimate revenge, we all find some vengeance towards others, why now are we picking how act it out. I wouldn't do it personally because but that's life.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Christian Invaders - t... · 0 replies · +1 points

This class has become a complete waste and this whole "Christian Invasion" confirmed my thoughts. Of course what Sam presented sounded appealing to folks it just like any normal argument? You always research to find things that support your argument. This could be done about anything. So the fact that he showed all those things meant absolutely nothing to me. I find it hard to believe that Christians gathered to form this war against Iraq just to spread the religion. First off missionaries are everywhere in the world so how does he know that those missionaries were strictly there because of the war and to convert people to Christianity. Maybe if he looks he'll see that these are the only source of aid Iraqis have since everyone is worried about themselves. These missionaries build camps to help people. President Bush announced the war on Iraq not Christians. Of course that's his religion but we do not know his daily walk with God or his strength of faith so he might just be a hear say Christian either way it does not constitute to the fact that Christians should be put to blame for the chaos that is occurring over there. It really doesn't
I don't think Sam knows everything so he needs to stop trying to persuade people to start blaming Christians of the war. The people of America voted George Bush as president not just Christians and he was the one who made the decision for the country to go to war. No Christian groups had any rally or walk to persuade him to declare war. He did it based on his presidential power which was given to him by the people of America, Christians and Non-Christians.
Sam always says, "I know this cause I'm a Sociologist" well anyone can obtain a degree and proclaim they know that Muslims started the war in Iraq and paint great facts and figures to support their ideas but that doesn't mean it is true. I don't think Christians should be at fault for what is going on over there. They had nothing to do with it. So what soldiers carried Bibles? That was that soldier's personal belief. If he/she wanted to practice it while over there than let him/her be. The government does not force the Bible in their hands so I don't know what Sam was talking about.
Sam had a problem with the Vacation Bible School theme of making their children warriors of Jesus. I feel like they were not telling the kids to go kill people. They were simply instructing them to be ready to stand for what they believe if anyone should try to shut them down. I also found the pictures of Jesus holding the guns very disturbing. They were uncalled for and although Sam wants to paint this big picture of how he does not hate Christians I feel like he does because the notion he got to blame Christians for the war is simply ridiculous.
Just as others are opposed to the war so are Christians.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - The White Minorities · 0 replies · +1 points

Who cares if whites become a minority group. There are people dying all over the world yet we spent countless amount of hours discussing and arguing who runs the world. Whites, blacks, Asians, Mixed people or the rainbow? Why? Why is it such a big deal. It really does not make a difference who is a minority and who is not. A minority is defined as, a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of people. Everyone has been a minority at some point in their life. Sometimes you might be the only one who believes a certain away about a topic and a lot of people are disagreeing with you, there you are a minority. Doesn't mean you are any less of a person or human. This is basically trying to make the argument that it is okay for others to be considered the minority in societies but is unethical for whites to reach that point. Like I said before, I have other things to worry about than the whites fearing that they will loose their "superiority".

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - Nothing About the Cens... · 0 replies · +1 points

The idea that people are confused and stressing about what race to identify with on this census is completely pointless. That is not what the census was mad for. It was made as a way fr the government to se which communities are in need of resources to better their life that they don't have at the moment. A person's racial affliation should not have any influence in determing this. I think the question should be removed from he census in the fisrt place because it takes focus off the main goal, how communities can be improved, how some feels underrepresented since their race is not an option. Last time I checked the choice of "other" is always there and if you feel that strong about who you are, feel free to fill in what you want to be considered or called. Other than that just leave it alone, the government is not going to change how you look they could careless, they just want to enhance communities. Get over yourselves people.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - How Can We Ever "Win"? · 0 replies · +1 points

As far as the LL Bean catalog I'm used to seeing black models having more and more characteristics or looks that compare to those of white people. This way the quota is met for including black people in the industry while staying close to the ideals and looks of white folks. Most black models today driven from keeping their voluptuous body frames because the "fashion industry" is not fully welcoming to that type of look. Instead they have to walk around skinny or figureless just so they can pose for a ad that is meant to mostly catch the eyes of whites anyways. Looking at the catalog in class confirms my opinion about the marketing of the fashion industry. Those people where characterized to be black on a regular basis, no black family interacts in such manner or even own a pair of dockers. They people in the ad looked mixed not fully black.
I also was confused about the whole Jesse Jackson piece. Sam commends him for being the only politician white or black to hold a gathering at the Appalachian but then criticizes him for returning back to his "roots". Well Same where do you want him to go? Just because he befriends people of a different race does not mean he has to become them. No matter who he associates himself with, he will always be more connected and comfortable with black people. Thats whats in his blood he cant change that. If a time of segregation was to come , he would be placed with the black people. The won't make him an exception and the blacks sure would not want him for selling out on them. I don't see what is wrong with him going back. Thats like saying I cant keep my friends from back home now that I've branched out to my new friends here at school. Its like out of sight out of mind and that is ridiculous.
I find myself questioning some Sam's views each day I attend class. It seems like some of his theories contradict or his examples are just confusing. Either way its like all the materials do not come to together to make any sense but I guess that how this whole race situation is seen. I mean who's to say that this what all these things mean. I think people should just live their lives and mind their business. We keep poking ourselves into situations that are not necessary and find more and more confusion. Most people "ooo and ahh" during class but once 5"30 arrives, the go right back to daily way of living life forgetting all that they just heard. The class only opens mind fro that short period of time and once the semester is over, only few will retain and actually apply the mechanisms taught.

14 years ago @ Race Relations Project - What's the big deal wi... · 0 replies · +1 points

When I hear men speak of women's menstrual cycle or say its disgusting because it is none of their business. Back in the day, men were men knew that women have that period and respected it today, most people are just plain out rude about it. If a woman says she is on her menstrual cycle, "period", they automatically assume that she is going to be moody and if they do something that would normally agitate her, they fault her period for her showing emotion. That also proves why when Sam asked who was on there cycle at first, very few raised their hand but when the men were told to close their eyes more hands went on. Women do not want the negative baggage that most associate with this "beautiful" phenomenon so they keep it to themselves. I think thats the best way to do it. Its no ones perogative if and when you bleed. If that was the case of tampons, pads and whatever else is used to prevent from others from knowing that a woman is on her cycle would be pointless.