


1,149 comments posted · 21 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - better taste, better life · 2 replies · +25 points

are you kidding? pizza hut loves you, they're stuffed with tiny rolled-up pizzas

9 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - better taste, better life · 1 reply · +47 points

this is one of very few firsts i will not insta-ban

9 years ago @ Broodhollow - Research · 0 replies · +2 points

Horse racing was further legalized following the Depression. A lot of gambling took root during Prohibition too.

9 years ago @ Broodhollow - Feet on the Ground · 7 replies · +5 points

So, real question -- is it unclear so far how their memories are doing better? I'm wondering if a comic didn't post right.

9 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - watch for the signs of... · 1 reply · +26 points

i was going to come up with a LOVE acronym just as you've done, you take today's prize

9 years ago @ 28 Plays Later - Episode 11 - The One T... · 1 reply · +1 points

We can't let Call of Duty doghog all the dogs.

9 years ago @ 28 Plays Later - Episode 11 - The One T... · 1 reply · +3 points

you are a beast

9 years ago @ 28 Plays Later - Episode 11 - The One T... · 5 replies · +2 points

Sadly, I was never a FF guy. My brother played all the old ones, the NES titles, on an emulator in college as though it was part of his formal education. I don't even know if he was crazy about them -- I'd check in with him and asked how he felt, and he'd respond really lukewarmly. But despite that, he played most of them I think!

I also hate underwater levels. Something about the loss of control and having to manage oxygen. You could replace that dwindling number with anything else -- fuel, bullets, whatever -- and conceptually I'd be okay with it. But once it's "breath," I panic.

9 years ago @ chainsawsuit by kris s... - booooo · 0 replies · +19 points

nope! now he identifies as a living person in a ghost's body -- just like all ghosts!! ya can't win

9 years ago @ 28 Plays Later - Episode 11 - The One T... · 2 replies · +2 points

re: oldboy - YIKES NO NO NO