


11 comments posted · 324 followers · following 8

16 years ago @ DisruptiveTech - Interview on Internet ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Kevin - sorry for the confusion about web2splash - one of these days maybe we'll get around to putting up a FAQ. Anyhow if you point your nameservers for your domain to /, or you can create DNS entries for www and the domain root to point to ( If that doesn't work, we might need to chat a bit further about your problem. Hope this helps.

16 years ago @ DisruptiveTech - Interview on Internet ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Liz, I'm referring to using SSH (secure shell) to securely connect to a computer outside your corporate network, and then using Windows Remote Desktop (available in XP Pro) to take over that computer's screen and keyboard. By using this setup all your internet traffic is conducted on the remote computer's network. It may sound technical, but it's really not that hard to setup. See the references to sites I added in the article

16 years ago @ - It's Alive! And It Has... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great post, Micah, and ditto goes for Gwen. Sometimes I feel the biggest takeaway from StartupWeekends won't be realized for some time to come and it may not have anything to do with community or startups. Additionally, I feel that while starting up real companies is difficult it seems a body of knowledge is being assembled at each SW that has the potential to change the way startups are started, or how large groups of people interact. Take Henry Ford and the combustion engine. Certainly back in those days, it may have seemed ludicrous to even consider assembling a combustion engine in a weekend. Now, factories spit them out like hotcakes. Combustion engines too simplistic? How about Boeing and their 737 - 11 day assembly time (2005 figure). Perhaps some day in the near future we'll look back with our Go Fast Jet Pack and our pewter likenesses of Andrew Hyde brandishing his favorite Trident in our living rooms, and just laugh as we tell our kids the stories of old...

17 years ago @ VoSnap - Some Stats Before Launch · 0 replies · +1 points

Brill, you can send features and feedback to, thanks!

17 years ago @ DisruptiveTech - Interview on Internet ... · 0 replies · +1 points

How about startuphangoutandeatallmicahsfoodinthehouse - yeah I get the idea.

17 years ago @ DisruptiveTech - Interview on Internet ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Brill, I agree 100% with Andrew's post on SW Toronto. I also believe it's a very level-headed analysis of what went down during the weekend (it's good that he's had some time to think this over). In the end I believe a small group of "managers" got desperate and greedy, overplanned the event, and lost sight of the greater communal purpose. More in my next SW Toronto Recap post.

17 years ago @ DisruptiveTech - Interview on Internet ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey Gwen - wish you were here! I'll continue to post updates when we reconvene tomorrow. Should be an interesting weekend, I'll have to fill in some posts on the previous two days when I get some time...

17 years ago @ David G Cohen - Twam · 0 replies · +1 points

Look Ma! I'm on the Big TechStars Screen!

17 years ago @ David G Cohen - Twam · 0 replies · +1 points


17 years ago @ Colorado Startups - Denvers Photobucket Is... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great interviews. Slick comment system!