


106 comments posted · 4 followers · following 5

14 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - ABC News Staffer Warns... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dubya isn't listed on the CFR. His father is. Also, since you qualify anybody on the CFR as a "war junkie", your list also includes such past and present liberal luminaries as Robert Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, Robert Reich, Leon Panetta, Carter, Clinton, Biden, Carl Sagan, Al Gore, Hubert Humphrey, Fritz Mondale, Rahm Emmanuel, Edmund Muskie, Charlie Rangel and a cast of other lesser beings. By your "standard of proof", Carl SAGAN was a "war junkie"?

So my question is what cosmic bunny hole did you fall into and what kind of mushrooms are you eating? Should we ask the smoking caterpillar?

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Muslim Gay Bar: Why Ar... · 0 replies · +2 points

Obviously you are a product of the libral publik skool system.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Muslim Gay Bar: Why Ar... · 0 replies · +1 points

Instead of a Lady Gaga karaoke night, let's have a Gay Islamic Fight Club night,,,,

Fight Club Rules for the proposed Islamic Gay Bar next door to the Ground Zero Mosque. 

In reverse order:

8. If this is your first time at Fight Club you have to fight. [No fair sending your autistic sister in your place strapped with a suicide vest.]

7. Fights go on as long as they have to. [So far we've been at it since 9/11.] 

6. The fights are bare knuckle. No shoes, no shirts, no weapons. [Oooh! Semi-naked, sweaty, hairy-backed Mohammedans rolling around on a dirty bathroom floor. Faaabulousss, my Preciousssss!] 

5. One fight at a time. [No group sex as we haven't yet secured the necessary corral permits from Mayor Bloomberg for the goats.] 

4. Only 2 guys to a fight. [See #5.] 

3, If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. [Although one can purchase Viagra at the bar if you go "limp". 72 virgins not included] 

2. You DO NOT talk about Fight Club. [The closet can be such a cozy safe place. Just ask Ricky Martin. There might be some sexy Jimmie Choo "hump-me pumps" in there!] 

1. You do not talk about Fight Club. [What will the neighbors at Cordoba House think? They'll just have to tolerate it, I guess.]

14 years ago @ Big Government - It Is Not the Same GOP · 0 replies · +4 points

Palestinians danced in the streets on 9/11. Shall we talk more recent events of Islamo-fascism? Ft Hood? THe Christmas Day Panty Bomber? Clitoredectomy masquerading as religion? Acid thrown in Muslim womens' faces for daring to go to school or because some Islamic "man's" feelings were all butt-hurt over rejected romantic advances?

How about stoning for adultery? Beheadings for infidelity and choppity chop choppiness for swiping a Snicker's bar for the corner halal market? Yeah, the JOOOOS are SOOOO evil. Here let's play a game.

How many Nobel Prizes in physics have been won by Jews and how many have been won by Muslims since 1905?

40 to ZERO.


13 to ZERO.


44 to 2. [Whew, at least it wasn't another shut out although I think the two Muslims who won were probably veterinarians]

As far as the USS Liberty, if we take Mr "Whatreallyhappenedwithmypetgoat" on face value then it should be noted that the "cover up" was ordered by...drum roll, please...DEMOCRATS! You know, the Islamo Party of Tolerance from Hopeychangistan!
Keep rolling, troll.

--- On Wed, 4/28/10, IntenseDebate Notifications <notifications@intensedebatemail.com> wrote:

14 years ago @ Big Government - It Is Not the Same GOP · 0 replies · +2 points

Are you some sort of Islamo-goat loving ball washer? Please take the anti-Semitism out of your mouth so folks can better understand you.

--- On Wed, 4/28/10, IntenseDebate Notifications <notifications@intensedebatemail.com> wrote:

14 years ago @ Big Government - It Is Not the Same GOP · 2 replies · +2 points

Excuse me Mr McFucktard, I am a veteran which renders your argument that I am a traitor rather, well, stupid but then again one must consider the source. When and where did you serve? Gargling on Obama's butt sauce doesn't qualify as government service. As to your faux argument of oil guarantees...so what. How many of the Islamic neighbors would be willing to sell to the Israelis? After all since you seem to be so amenable to their cause it seems that YOU might be the traitor here.

Don't forget who was flying airliners into office building. If you want to carry the water for these camel jockeys, please feel free but it hardly merits a free pass on your moral superiority express bus.

Go fuck yourself and thanks for playing, troll.

--- On Wed, 4/28/10, IntenseDebate Notifications <notifications@intensedebatemail.com> wrote:

14 years ago @ Big Government - It Is Not the Same GOP · 2 replies · +2 points

It's because that's all you're worthy of dickwad. Spare me the faux intellectualism. You to have to first be an intellectual in order for me to insult you.

--- On Wed, 4/28/10, IntenseDebate Notifications <notifications@intensedebatemail.com> wrote:

14 years ago @ Big Government - It Is Not the Same GOP · 4 replies · +1 points

Blah, blah, blah...there never was a debate. You never brought forth anything of substance [you know, them "fact" thingies you blather about] other than an unqualified opinion of how people should behave in your precious little world view, [ I'll bet you can see it from your house.] so I've responded with the merit to which your "argument" is entitled.

If you're up here supporting "whatreallyhappenedinmymouthwithagoat" then you're right. I was wrong to deconstruct you as a "shrub hugger". "Bed wetting JOO-hater" may be more accurate. Please pass the Pampers.

You don't even have the imagination to have a decent handle. WTF kinda blawg handle is "ngj". How about a little more of your CV out there. What makes you so special to decide what are the parameters of "debate".

14 years ago @ Big Government - It Is Not the Same GOP · 1 reply · +1 points

Yeah, I know...I was using my "outside voice" again. Mom said it would get me in trouble someday. Like your icon pic. The Godfather of Soul in happier days. Heh.

--- On Wed, 4/28/10, IntenseDebate Notifications <notifications@intensedebatemail.com> wrote:

14 years ago @ Big Government - It Is Not the Same GOP · 4 replies · +1 points

Why shouldn't we guarantee Israel's oil supply? After all, the GreenPeace President is now drinking the "drill, baby drill" Kool-Aid so we should have plenty of oil to give to our allies. [I take mine with a free range nuclear power plant as a chaser. Maybe throw in a lump of coal for a garnish.]

What shortage?
Is it an inconvenient truth that the US Geological Survey has found that "The Bakken Formation [in ND] estimate is larger than all other current USGS oil assessments of the lower 48 states and is the largest "continuous" oil accumulation ever assessed by the USGS." [Note to ngj: That is a FACT. Suck my little Asian nutsack, Captain Asshat.]