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12 years ago @ The FN Dish - Restaurant Revisited: ... · 0 replies · +3 points

I totally agree. The roaches and the rat crap were enough to turn me off forever.

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Limbaugh Apologizes to... · 0 replies · +1 points

I know all that. What you said is redundant. And yes, I remembered later that Schultz did apologize. Laura actually took his slur as a badge of honor.

12 years ago @ - Maher To Limbaugh: I C... · 0 replies · +1 points

They may have the Applause sign, you're right, but that doesn't mean they have to applaud. I think his audience for the most part think like Bill Maher. Just like John Stewart's audience thinks like him.

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Limbaugh Apologizes to... · 0 replies · +1 points

Right, conservatives are stupid, well noted because the first word of your first sentence tells me how intelligent you are. You're whole paragraph tells me how intelligent you are. So I guess according to you, it's okay for Bill Maher to call Sarah Palin the c word, and okay for Ed Schultz to call Laura I the s word, because Maher has no sponsers? Schultz did apologize, although Laura took his name calling of her as a badge of honor. But Maher? Lefties never apologize because they have the MSM on their side. Rush, in fact, is talking about that right now. He said he is sorry, he made a mistake, because he lowered himself to the standards of the left. And he is right. The left know no boundaries when it comes to vile and incendiary language. That's why Rush feels bad, not because he didn't tell the truth, but because he used the same incendiary language that is the holy grail of the progressives.  
BTW, I'd like to see Obama grow a spine. The guy is the most spineless, weak and apologetic President in modern history, maybe in all Presidential History. I hope Netanyahu gives him h*ll today, and teaches him a few lessons about loyalty and patriotism.

12 years ago @ - Maher To Limbaugh: I C... · 0 replies · +6 points

You really are a miserable person, just like your hero, SJL, aren't you?

12 years ago @ - Maher To Limbaugh: I C... · 0 replies · +2 points

Is anyone certain they are really his wife and children? No one knows anything about the occupier in the White House.

12 years ago @ - Maher To Limbaugh: I C... · 0 replies · +3 points

He does believe in a talking snake. His name is Barack Obama.

12 years ago @ - Maher To Limbaugh: I C... · 0 replies · +2 points

Does your whole life evolve around racism, or supposed racism? How sad for you.

12 years ago @ - Maher To Limbaugh: I C... · 0 replies · +6 points

I think Rush owns his own station, moron. Only he can fire himself. He'll get more sponsors. The ones who left him are weenies. SheilaJacksonLeeHero? Really? How pathetic for you, what a sorry excuse of a person you are and of course what she is. Always trying to get on TV first when greeting the pres for the SOTU msg., even when Bush was the pres, and she hated him. And to disparage a deceased man like Andrew when he has a family who is grieving? I know the left has no class, but your cruelty is beyond the pale. At least he made a difference and his legacy will live on, you and your hero on the other hand, give and will leave nothing of value to this great country. God Bless America, and please God, save America from people like this racist idiot I'm addressing.

12 years ago @ - Maher To Limbaugh: I C... · 2 replies · +3 points

What disappoints me most is the audience. They cheer and applaud this scumbags behaviour, or comedy if you want to call it that. It just goes to show that what we have in this country are a lot of folks who shot the Kool-Aid up in their veins. It's very pathetic and very very sad. God help our country.