


44 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Ex-Montesano police ch... · 0 replies · +2 points

Wow! $17,000.00 for one month’s incarceration, that’s $204,000 a year ~ Crime DOES pay, and pays well….

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Old text, new wrinkles... · 0 replies · +6 points

Butch Cassidy???? But, but but what about Paris Hilton and her lost cellphones????????

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Family\'s hope for ans... · 0 replies · +9 points

He be pimpin’ now for Beelzebub.


13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - 2 convicted accomplice... · 7 replies · +1 points

Wrong wording of the statute, and would be impossible for even a con that was trying to go straight to do, much less for the cops and DA’s to enforce. The words are ‘in possession of’. Try Google.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Boy sent home from sch... · 1 reply · +2 points

OK, d2, I’ll bite, WHAT codes and laws???

Really?? Green Bay??

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Fans share stories - a... · 0 replies · +3 points

As opposed to being a future shyster perchance?

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Lewis-McChord sergeant... · 0 replies · +3 points

Come on KOMO, what’s up with this? Judge Settle says of Hospedales: “You elected to go down a road of service to a country that ADOPTED you”, and you report (through the Tacoma News Tribune) that he’s a Florida native. He can’t be both. Just what is reality?

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - City manager\'s allege... · 0 replies · +4 points

Yup, this could end up proving to be a way for a DA without scruples (like Nifong), or even a judge, to get around the right of Habeas Corpus, even though it sounds like a good idea in this case.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Pierce Co. considers b... · 1 reply · +3 points

Why should Nitro have to, you don’t, even when asked. By using your logic that must mean you can’t back up your statements too.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - 2 teens nabbed in Arli... · 0 replies · +2 points

Ouch, d2, I felt this one all the way over here.....

Wanta bet there will not be a reply, which is a mixed blessing. And if there is, he will not give in to any one single point? I wonder if he is the one who came up with the saying “it’s MY way or the highway”?

Either way, I hope he keeps on going.