Calvin Yu

Calvin Yu


5 comments posted · 173 followers · following 5

16 years ago @ Don't Forget to P... - Don’t Forget to ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Can you explain what you mean by using additional Rails plugins? I think it should work if you do it after the Beast Plugin has been initialized.

16 years ago @ Don't Forget to P... - Don’t Forget to ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've started adding some tests to my plugins, and here's what I've done so far:

I added a testing task to the beast_plugins plugin (vendor/plugins/beast_plugins/tasks/testing.rake):

namespace :test do => :environment) do |t|

t.libs << "test"


t.pattern = "vendor/beast/#{ENV['PLUGIN']}/test/**/*_test.rb"


t.pattern = 'vendor/beast/*/**/test/**/*_test.rb'


t.verbose = true


Rake::Task['test:beast_plugins'].comment = "Run the Beast plugin tests in vendor/beast/*/**/test (or specify with PLUGIN=name)"


I then put my tests under the test/unit and test/functional directories under the individual plugin directories. You'll have to change the paths to point to test_helper:

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../test/test_helper'

Not pretty for sure.

16 years ago @ Don't Forget to P... - Don’t Forget to ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Jason,

I apologize for not responding to this sooner -- Intense Debate's notifications have been going automatically to spam, doh!

I've see this happen before with newer versions of Rails. Have you tried this?:

::Dispatcher.send :prepare_application

(there's two colon's before Dispatcher)

16 years ago @ Don't Forget to P... - Don’t Forget to ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great! That way I won't have to style my old comments :)

16 years ago @ Don't Forget to P... - Don’t Forget to ... · 3 replies · +2 points

Intense Debate doesn't seem to touch any of my older posts that has comments. I guess that makes sense.

The comment styling for my WP theme looks like butt. Need to fix.