


121 comments posted · 5 followers · following 3

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/11/09: Health Care ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Start giving him a + for everything.... LOL.... take that metal away!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/11/09: Health Care ... · 0 replies · +2 points

You made the point already. Corporations bean count... Government just eats the beans then $h!ts all over you. Corporations are why you've got an internet connection right now. CORPORATE BEAN COUNTING is why you can FEDEX you're mom a copy of the Commie Manifesto overnight.... and why the USPS also has the CORPORATE beaners delivering it's packages the next day.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/11/09: Health Care ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll support a federal health care system 100%... as long as it includes mandatory firearm training, and mandatory gun ownership for every US citizen who's legally able. Now thats some change to believe in!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/11/09: Is The Fight ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Hmmm.... wonder in Obamer is still saying there is not a war on terrorism... wonder if he still sees them as oversees operators and contingencies.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/11/09: Health Care ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Hey numb nuts... ITS FRIGGEN NICE OUTSIDE!!!!

Havn’t been online much since the weather turned nice…. I just got back from helping my former LIBERAL neighbor pick out a shiny new Glock 20... Helped another old woman clean up some trees that fell in her yard.... so keep spankin the monkey.... we're still here.

In other news... had a whopping 18,617 visits yesterday.... here... as we're "closing up" only a mere 86,702 visits... Go play with your monkey now.... pet it nice.... and don't forget to take turns with your other progressive buddies.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/11/09: Health Care ... · 1 reply · +3 points

People to my practice every day with "Free Healthcare". Needing a script for their kid, they ask: "Is this covered on our insurance” (no, I say) “Well can't you give us something that is” (no, this is the only option available) “Well how much is it?” (Usually about $90 at xyz pharmacy) “I CAN'T AFFORD THAT!!!” (as they take a sip from the second $4.50 coffee and excuse themselves to light up.)

The only solution is to allow the pain of failure. You will never learn to avoid smashing your thumb with a hammer if it does not hurt. Financial pain is no different.... We have removed all pain from the system through the expectation of employer paid or government paid insurance. We've all been numbed out on morphine, smashing our thumbs bloody with a hammer... and just woke up to see that it hurts when the drug wears off.

(So do we need more drugs, or just stop hitting our thumb?)

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/11/09: Health Care ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Funny... sad thing is that you're argument only makes sense when you assume great stupidity by someone who says "ok" to $500,000 for a tooth extraction.

You fail to realize, or simply don't know the typical cost is $300-$500 if you have your dentist do it. Most folks would shop around and get a good deal, or be willing to pay more up front for a doctor that they prefer. Only someone who has "insurance" will not care that a service is grossly over charged.

The proven flip side is that folks will actually BRUSH and maintain a healthy mouth when it actually costs them money to fix neglect. Result is that they don't purchase an overpriced insurance plan because it SAVES THEM MONEY! As a result of lower payouts, insurance companies will lower premium costs, overtime the cost of insurance can decrease to affordable rates. That can never happen with abuse of the system and the absence of responsibility that we see with subsidized programs.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/11/09: Health Care ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Nothing is ever free... There are no cuts that are not equally associated with something being cut. Either it's a service that was of value, or it’s an Americans job doing a service that is not of significant value. Either way the system will not function as before.

In case you missed it, again.... 2,000,000,000,000 (2 trillion) in cuts will not occur without something or someone being cut. Yup... and most of it is a direct result of government involvement on how the system has to be run.

The only thing needed to be cut from health care is federal government! We don't need a "deal" to be made, because that same deal won't be allowed to fail... opening the door for federal government to "Come to the rescue"....

Bottom Line… Take back your state… proudly fly your state flag… Tell the Feds to F--- off and let you live your life.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/8/09: 'Memba When Sp... · 0 replies · +2 points

The Caesars bought the contentment of the Roman proletariat with free games in the colloseum, free bread, and fun.... The people where too pre-occupied to care that their republic had been taken from them, "for their own good" and all power was in the hands of an out of control senate and Caesar who got as he wished through coercion and bribery of the legislature.

We are now almost in the same situation.... at the brink of Republic ----> Empire. Except for us, the colloseum has been placed right in our living room. TV drowns out our cares and concerns, Sports figures on steroids replaced our real heroes, and we are now awakening just in time to see the precipice our decisions have led us to. My house has disconnected the cable *I miss Glenn’s TV show now*, but we’ve had time to think, learn, and solidify our principles and values. Saved $60 a month too…. Now is the time to engage. Hit the freakin NO3 button!

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 5/8/09: 'Memba When Sp... · 0 replies · +1 points

Rest easy mommy gunner.... I'm 29, dad of 3, husband with guns, to mom with guns.... we know how, when, and where to use them.... and we've got an excellent memory, and also an understanding of REAL American History. We desire for a strong State and Country to raise our kids... we are part of the solution, with the problem being an out of control and tyrannical Federal Government. There are young adults out here that get it....