


161 comments posted · 23 followers · following 4

13 years ago @ Remabulous - Thoughts on another bi... · 0 replies · +1 points

That is amazing! You must read Salon? That's where I found it anyway, and it made me so happy to see it. I especially loved the idea of going dancing alone. That seemed totally beyond something I might even imagine doing. I might have to put it on 33 for 33...

14 years ago @ Remabulous - Getting stared at by a... · 0 replies · +1 points

If you'd charge less than $8, we need to talk- your rates are WAY too low. Thanks for being a sucker. I'm a sucker for suckers, Croatian or not.

14 years ago @ Remabulous - Two or three things I ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think we have all been in that place one time or another. It certainly doesn't make it easier. What has helped is that we have stayed open to talking about what this means right now. Still, it's hard to be patient when you know what you want.

Thanks so much for sharing your comment. It means a lot. I hope all is well with you...

14 years ago @ Remabulous - Trapeze! · 0 replies · +1 points

It's not as terrifying after you do it a few times. I was actually a little sad that I wasn't as freaked out as when I first did it in San Francisco years ago... the rush afterward lasted all day!

I have no idea who Sara is... fun stuff, right? But it's my policy to allow free speech on here, so I will stand by that. Thanks for your support!

14 years ago @ Remabulous - Trapeze! · 0 replies · +1 points

Oooh- circus in Mexico? Amazing! I will go again, and we've got some people who want to come along... I will keep you posted!

14 years ago @ Remabulous - How to write about #6? · 0 replies · +1 points

Cheese is the best. There is some talk of making cheese...and I have let him in on the site here, so perhaps he will appear in a future post...

Good luck with your love list. May the result be cheesy- I couldn't help the pun!

14 years ago @ Remabulous - The Happiness Project · 0 replies · +1 points

I love that you read this on your honeymoon! I expect it is impossible for me to give up reading under any circumstances, even those, so I don't find it funny at all. And what a nice thing to read then. I have followed her blog as well, although, I suspect, not as closely as you have. I am so glad Belize= happiness. I think we need to make that connection with more places!

14 years ago @ Remabulous - The Happiness Project · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree- too much regulation through lists can prevent any kind of spontaneity. I like your suggestions- especially on email. That one has the tendency to suck away any time that might be given to other items on the list! Thanks so much for the comment.

14 years ago @ Remabulous - Pitfalls on the way to... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ok- I am so glad to hear that you are not yelling. And I have already called my massage therapist to get something on the books.

And I will read Born to Run. I think I might have heard about it somewhere- do you know where I might have picked that up? It sounds familiar. I'll have to request it from the trusty library.

Many hugs and I am sure you are right that my mom is on to something. She usually is, not matter how much I hate to admit it.

14 years ago @ Remabulous - One souffle down... ma... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the support on the souffle. I did read the book, actually, just hadn't updated the reading list. How fun that you found the site. I very much enjoyed the book... especially the narrative about Michelangelo's early education and his relationship to the Medici's. Great work and congratulations!