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7 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Welfare Wall of Shame · 1 reply · +1 points

Sorry it took so long to get back. I'm just not checking ID very often since LR&C went w/Disqust.
Seems we agree on the main point.
Interesting that you mention you had more "money" to spend in the store, and that your family ate better on food stamps. Does that mean you had overall more to "spend" per week/month on food stamps than while working, or that your choices changed in some manner?

8 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Welfare Wall of Shame · 9 replies · +2 points

So are these customers prisoners who have to obey the warden and only buy what God says they must buy, or, as Americans, are they free to decide what to do w/what money/funds they have available?
Does everyone who shops buy only fruit and veggies and abstain from the other 99% of the store? Or is it only the poor who are buying the items listed?
Unfortunately freedom does not automatically bring intelligence to a matter.
I also think the paucity of responses in this subject is indicative of the situation, and also shows current biases.

9 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Amnesty vs Path to Cit... · 0 replies · +1 points

What on the surface seems disappointing (I haven't looked into it yet) is O meeting w/ the leaders of the 3 countries where the border children are fleeing, so as to return those children to those countries.

Isn't this a little like meeting w/Stalin and seeing how to send back those who were fleeing his purges?

10 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Interesting Reading fo... · 1 reply · +3 points

If they truly "understood the same Creator" they wouldn't have had differences in what that Creator wanted.

10 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Amnesty vs Path to Cit... · 0 replies · +3 points

Yes, exactly!
So much fear, so much garbage...

Sorry if any Irish feel offended -- didn't mean to leave you out!

10 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Amnesty vs Path to Cit... · 2 replies · +2 points

How do you equate your views to those who were railing against the Poles, the Germans, the Italians, and the Chinese?

10 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Interesting Reading fo... · 3 replies · +1 points

Perhaps you could tell that to Mary, Queen of Scots.

Or to the Irish.
Or to Luther.

10 years ago @ Storyleak - Police Officer Shoots ... · 0 replies · +1 points

What I want is some follow-up --
did this sad excuse for a human lose his badge due to excessive stupidity on the job?

10 years ago @ Storyleak - Police Officer Shoots ... · 10 replies · +5 points

I'm hoping those who just drop by to offer an opinion might be persuaded to join D as it is rather painless if one just sets up an e-mail account. But, then, they could have done when ID existed.

So, not much hope there. I hope you do find a good ID client. :-)

I can't really describe how much I hate the new site. No, really.

It seems they've either abandoned their programming (doubtful) or just can no longer spell "schedule"
but if I were to adequately describe it, I would say they hired a 14-yr-old Microsoft fanboy to do the deed.

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - The Bergdahl Exchange,... · 0 replies · 0 points

"During the meeting, Obama asked the immigration advocates why they shifted their focus from House Republicans, who hold the keys to immigration overhaul. The Senate passed a sweeping immigration bill in June, but House Republicans have done nothing in the 10 months since.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., summed up the feelings of the White House, when she called the focus on Obama a "gift to the Republicans."

Judging by the numbers, she's right." USAToday