


39 comments posted · 1 followers · following 3

13 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - L.A. Noire Gold Film R... · 0 replies · +1 points

Wish I'd had this guide to hand when I was tracking all of these down yesterday!

13 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - The Walking Dead Seaso... · 0 replies · +1 points

We are shown a graphic that shows the way the disease takes over the host but you are right that there is no definite details about why it happened so far.

13 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - The Walking Dead Seaso... · 0 replies · +1 points

Some great theories going on here. Certainly I can see the pregnancy one being quite credible and obviously that would push forward the Shane plot. The fun thing is that because the series has deviated from the comics now it is possible that Jenner has set up something that is not in the books. Could Jenner's revelation have been about the initial cause of the outbreak or perhaps another lead towards discovering just what happened?

13 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - The Walking Dead Seaso... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Kayla. I can't wait to see what Darabont and his team will dial up for us next year. :)

13 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - Frank Darabont Fires T... · 0 replies · +1 points

Risky is the word. I'm sure more information on what is going on will come out over the next couple of months but right now I'm a little concerned.

13 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - Batman 3 Rumor: Tom Ha... · 0 replies · +1 points

I really like the choice, both of character and actor, if there is anything to this report. Strange is not only an interesting villain in and of himself, he is a pretty unknown character to those who don't read the books and very different from The Joker. I see the point about the therapy similarity with Scarecrow but I think the threat he represents is much more personal and invasive while the character's goals should be quite different.

As for Hardy; he's a great actor with a lot of presence. He was great in Inception and I'm sure he'd be good in this part too.

14 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - 5 New Fallout: New Veg... · 0 replies · +1 points

Loved the last one - can't wait to get my hands on this. Best thing about the screenshots: the Californian flag! :D

14 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - HBO Reveals True Blood... · 0 replies · +1 points

Surprised and very, very glad that this will be back so soon! Definitely looking forward to seeing where the show is headed with Season Three (and to rewatching Season Two when it's released on Blu Ray).

14 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - Human Target Episode R... · 0 replies · +1 points

Geoff - thanks for your comments. So far this season the show hasn't been doing great numbers but last night's episode was up 14% on the previous episode's numbers and I do think that the show has potential to grow an audience.

Like you I'm hoping that the show gets a chance to develop.

14 years ago @ Blu-ray Disc, Movies, ... - The Sound of Music Blu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Delighted to see more musicals making it into hi def though, like Spidey, this isn't one of my favorites. South Pacific was one of my favorite discs of last year - hopefully this will be just as good a transfer. :)